課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | Introduction |
What is organizational behavior? |
了解人際技能的重要性 |
2 | Diversity of Organization |
Biographical Characteristic
Ability |
了解與尊重個人差異 |
3 | Attitude and Job Satisfaction |
Job Satisfaction |
了解重要的工作態度以及影響工作滿意度的原因 |
4 | Attitude and Job Satisfaction |
Job Satisfaction |
了解重要工作態度以及影響工作滿意度之原因 |
5 | Emotions and Moods |
What are Emotions and Moods |
了解情緒在工作職場上的重要性 |
6 | Emotions and Moods |
Emotional Labor
Emotional Intelligence |
了解現今職場上情緒勞動與情緒智商的重要 |
7 | Personality and Values |
Values |
了解各種人格與價值觀理論 |
8 | Personality and Values |
International Values |
了解與比較各國文化的差異 |
9 | 期中考 |
期中考 |
期中考檢視學習成效 |
10 | Perception and Individual Decision Making |
What is the Perception
Person Perception
Perception and Decision Making |
了解真正影響個人決策與行為的不是reality 而是perceived reality (perception) |
11 | Perception and Individual Decision Making |
Decision Makeing in Organization
Ethics in Decision Making |
了解決策模式與影響決策因素 |
12 | Motivation Concepts |
Early Theories of Motivation
Contemporary Theories of Motivation |
了解激勵理論 |
13 | Motivation: From Concepts to Applications |
The Job Characteristics Model
Employee Involvement
Using Rewards to Motivate Employees |
了解如何應用激勵理論在人力資源管理的相關措施上 |
14 | Foundation of Group Behavior |
Group Properties
Group Decision Making |
了解群體的類別 組成與發展過程
了解群體決策的優缺點 |
15 | Communication |
Functions of Communication
Communication Process
Interpersonal Communication and Organizational Communication
Communication Channel |
了解溝通管道以及在組織中溝通管道的選擇 |
16 | Leadership |
What is Leadership
Trait Theories
Behavioral Theories
Contingency Theories |
了解各種領導理論 |
17 | Leadership |
Leader-Member Exchange Theory
Charismatic Leadership and Transformational Leadership
Authentic Leadership |
了解現代領導理論 |
18 | 期末考 |
期末考 |
期末考見識學習成效 |