教學大綱表 (112學年度 第1學期)
Course Title
(中文) 能源科學概論
(英文) Introduction To Energy Science
Course No.
3.0 必/選修
core required/optional
選修 開課年級
先修科目或先備能力(Course Pre-requisites):
課程概述與目標(Course Overview and Goals): 本課程有關能源的介紹主要著重於物理原理上之說明以及對於大自然環境所造成之影響。同時提供能源資源、能源使用、能源技術的最新資料。並且強調近年來有關能源法令的變更、電力工業的競爭與發展、原油價格上漲和全球重視再生能源等趨勢。
教科書(Textbook) 能源概論,陳維新著 (高立書局),第十版
參考教材(Reference) Dunlop, R.A., Sustainable Energy, 2015
Hinrichs, R.A. and M. Kleinbach, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 4th Edi, Brooks/Cole, 2005.
能源概論(Sustainable energy, SI Edition),莊瑞榮譯 (歐亞書局)
課程大綱 Syllabus 學生學習目標
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities

Unit topic
Content summary
1 Energy Basics Work, Energy, and Power
Forms of Energy
Some Basic thermodynamics
Heat Engines and Heat Pumps
Electricity Generation
1. A measure of the energy produced or utilized per unit of time.
2. An introduction to the basic principles of thermodynamics.
3. Primary energy transformed into forms that are suitable for application.
2 Past, Present, and Future World Energy Use 1. Past, present, and future world energy use.
2. Challenges for sustainable energy development
1. The energy needs of humanity over the years is reviewed.
2. The challenges for the implementation of new energy technologies is reviewed.
3 Fossil Fuel Resources and Use 1. Overview of Fossil Fuel Resources
2. Enhanced Oil Recovery
3. Shale Oil
4. Tar Sands and Extra Heavy Oil
5. Coal Liquefaction and Gasification
1. The properties of fossil fuels is reviewed.
2. The availability of extensive coal resources, as well as the desirability of liquid and gaseous fuels for transportation use.
4 Fossil Fuel Resources and Use 1. Overview of Fossil Fuel Resources
2. Enhanced Oil Recovery
3. Shale Oil
4. Tar Sands and Extra Heavy Oil
5. Coal Liquefaction and Gasification
1. The properties of fossil fuels is reviewed.
2. The availability of extensive coal resources, as well as the desirability of liquid and gaseous fuels for transportation use.
5 Environmental Consequences of Fossil Fuel Use 1. Theramal pollution
2. Chemical and Particulate Pollution
3. The Greenhouse Effect
4. Climate Change
5. Carbon Sequestration
1. The reasons why energy production and use produce pollution are reviewed.
2. The greenhouse effect results from the presence of molecules in the atmosphere that selectively absorb radiation at particular wavelengths.
6 Renewable Energy-Direct Use of Solar energy 1. Introduction
2. Solar Collector Design
3. Residential Heating Needs
4. Heat Storage
5. Passive Solar Heating
1. Evaluate the usefulness of solar heating on the basis of heating requirements for a building.
2. The effectiveness of passive solar heating in terms of the trade-off between energy gain and energy loss through a window.
7 Electricity from Solar Energy 1. Solar Electric Generation
2. Photovoltaic Devices
3. Application of Photovoltaic Devices
4. Global use of Photovoltaics
1. The electricity from solar radiation for the distribution over the grid has the potential to satisfy the energy requirements in the future.
2.The basic semiconductor physics needed to describe the operation of the photovaltaic device.
8 期中考 期中考 期中考  
9 Wind Energy 1. Wind Turbine Design
2. Obtaining Energy from the Wind
3. Application of Wind Power
1. The basic technology for the utilization of wind energy is established.
2. An overview of the different types of wind turbine.
3. A basic development of the physics of wind energy is presented.
10 Hydroelectricity Energy 1. Energy from Water
2. Turbine Design
3. High Head Systems
4. Low Head and Run-of-the-River Systems
5. Utilization of Hydroelectric Power
1. The basic physics of the potential and kinetic energy associated with water are presented.
2. The availability and use of hydroelectric power is discussed.
11 Geothermal Energy 1. Basics of Geothermal Energy
2. Direct Use of Geothermal Energy
3. Geothermal Electricity
1. The ways in which geothermal energy resources may be utilized.
2. Geothermal electricity-generating facilities extract energy in the form of hot water or steam from a production well.
12 Biomass Energy 1. Wood
2. Ethanol Production
3. Biodiesel
4. Municipal Solid Waste
1. The straightforward method of producing ethanol from organic matter that contains glucose is described.
2. Biodesel production is subject to considerations similar to those of ethanol production.
13 Biomass Energy 1. Wood
2. Ethanol Production
3. Biodiesel
4. Municipal Solid Waste
1. The straightforward method of producing ethanol from organic matter that contains glucose is described.
2. Biodesel production is subject to considerations similar to those of ethanol production.
14 Energy Conservation 1. Approaches to Energy Conservation
2. Smart Grid
3. home Heating And Cooling
4. Residential Lighting
5. Transporting Lighting
1.Cogeneration refers to the direct use of excess heat for space heating needs.
2. Individuals can reduce home energy use by the use of efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, etc.
15 Hydrogen 1. Hydrogen Production Methods
2. Storage and Transportation of HYdrogen
3. Hydrogen Internal Combustion Vehicles
4. Fuel Cells
1. The properties of hydrogen and the pros and cons of using it as a storage method are reviewed.
2. An Overview of the operation of a fuel cell is provided.
16 期末考 期末考 期末考  

1.自編教材 Handout by Instructor:
□ 1-1.簡報 Slids
□ 1-2.影音教材 Videos
□ 1-3.教具 Teaching Aids
■ 1-4.教科書 Textbook
■ 1-5.其他 Other
□ 2.自編評量工具/量表 Educational Assessment
■ 3.教科書作者提供 Textbook

成績考核 Performance Evaluation: 期末考:25%   期中考:25%   其他評量:10%   報告:20%   平時考:20%  

教學資源(Teaching Resources):
□ 教材電子檔(Soft Copy of the Handout or the Textbook)
□ 課程網站(Website)