課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | Introduction |
1.Introduction of the course outline and evaluation
2.Introduction of transport phenomena |
Help students understand the course objectives.
Enable students to comprehend the concept of transport phenomena. |
2 | Viscosity and the mechanisms of momentum transport |
1. Newton’s law of viscosity.
2. Generalization of newton’s law of viscosity
3. Pressure and temperature dependence of viscosity |
To understand what Newtonian fluid is and its relationship with temperature and pressure. |
3 | Shell Momentum Balances and Velocity Distribution in Laminar Flow |
Shell momentum balances and boundary conditions
Flow of the falling film
Flow through a circular tube
Flow through an annulus
Flow of two adjacent immiscible fluids |
To understand how to use the momentum shell balance to determine the velocity distribution of laminar flow. |
4 | The equations of change for isothermal systems |
The equation of continuity and motion
The equation of in terms of the substantial derivative
Use of the equations of change to solve flow problem |
To understand how to use the equation of continuity and motion to analyze and solve phenomena related to fluid flow. |
5 | Velocity distributions with more than one independent variable |
1.Time-dependent flow of Newtonian fluids
2.Flow near solid surface by boundary-layer theory |
To understand how to solve problems related to time or 2-D Newtonian fluid flow. |
6 | Interphase transport in isothermal systems |
1.Definition of friction factor
2.Friction factors for flow in tubes and around sphere |
To understand the definition of the friction factor and learn how to use it in different situations. |
7 | Macroscopic balances for isothermal flow systems |
1. The macroscopic mass balance
2. The macroscopic momentum balance
3. The macroscopic mechanical energy balance |
To understand how to use macroscopic balance to solve problems. |
8 | midterm exam |
midterm exam |
midterm exam |
9 | Fluid mechanics in real life |
student presentation |
Observe the fluid mechanics in life and explain the phenomena using your knowledge. |
10 | Thermal conductivity and the mechanisms of energy |
1.Fourier’s law of heat conduction
2.Pressure and temperature dependence of thermal conductivity
3.Theory of thermal conductivity of gas, liquid and solid |
1. To understand thermal conductivity and comprehend the relationship between temperature, pressure, and thermal conductivity.
2. To Understand the Fourier heat conduction equation. |
11 | Shell energy Balances and temperature distribution in solid and Laminar Flow |
1.Shell energy balances and boundary conditions
2.Heat conduction with a nuclear, viscous, etc. heat source
3.Heat conduction through composite walls
4.Heat conduction in a cooling fin
5.Force convection and Free convection |
To understand how to use energy balance to solve heat conduction problems. |
12 | The equations of changes for nonisothermal systems |
1.The energy equation
2.Special forms of the energy equation
3.The boussinesq equation of motion for force convection and free convection
4.Use of the equations of change to solve steady state problems
5.Dimensional analysis of the equations of change for nonisothermal systems |
To understand how to use energy balance to solve heat conduction problems. |
13 | Temperature distributions with more than one independent variable |
1.Unsteady heat conduction in solids
2.Boundary layer theory for nonisothermal flow |
To understand how to solve problems related to time or 2-D heat transfer. |
14 | Macroscopic balances for nonisothermal systems |
1.The macroscopic energy balance and mechanism energy balance
2.Use of the macroscopic balances to solve problems |
To understand the macroscopic conservation of non-isothermal systems and to apply macroscopic conservation to problem-solving. |
15 | Diffusivity and the mechanisms of mass transport |
1.Fick’s law of binary diffusion
2.Pressure and temperature dependence of diffucivities
3.Mass and molar transport by convection
4.Summary of mass and molar fluxes |
To understand thermal diffusivity and comprehend the relationship between temperature, pressure, and thermal diffusivity.
2. To understand mass transfer mechanisms. |
16 | final exam |
final exam |
final exam |