教學大綱表 (113學年度 第1學期)
Course Title
(中文) 視覺計算概論
(英文) Introduction To Visual Computi
Course No.
3.0 必/選修
core required/optional
選修 開課年級
先修科目或先備能力(Course Pre-requisites):G1211; G1212
課程概述與目標(Course Overview and Goals):針對對於影像處理、計算機圖學、計算機視覺、或視覺藝術有興趣的學生(特別是大學部進行相關專題研究的學生),以整合性的方式介紹影像處理、影像分析、和影像描繪的基本原理與概念。
教科書(Textbook) Sonka et.al., Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, 4th Ed.
Angel, Interactive Computer Graphics, 6th Ed.
課程大綱 Syllabus 學生學習目標
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities

Unit topic
Content summary
1 Introduction Administrative Issues
Introduction to Visual Computing
What is Visual Computing
Key Objectives of Visual Computing
Main Topics of Visual Computing
Visual Computing in This Course
Administrative Issues
Introduction to Visual Computing
What is Visual Computing
Key Objectives of Visual Computing
Main Topics of Visual Computing
Visual Computing in This Course
2 Image Formation and Sensing Image Sensing: An Introduction
Sensors Across the EM Spectrum
Stereo Geometry
Image Formation: An Introduction
Light and Optics
Sensing Light
Conversion to Digital Images
Image Sensing: An Introduction
Sensors Across the EM Spectrum
Stereo Geometry
Image Formation: An Introduction
Light and Optics
Sensing Light
Conversion to Digital Images
Assignment # 1  
3 Fundamentals of Color Fundamentals of Color
Light and Color
Color Perception
Color Reproduction
Color Spaces
Display Technologies
Fundamentals of Color
Light and Color
Color Perception
Color Reproduction
Color Spaces
Display Technologies
Assignment # 2  
4 Fundamentals of Color Fundamentals of Color
Light and Color
Color Perception
Color Reproduction
Color Spaces
Display Technologies
Fundamentals of Color
Light and Color
Color Perception
Color Reproduction
Color Spaces
Display Technologies
Assignment # 2  
5 Fundamentals of Image Processing Image Processing: An Introduction
Image Enhancement - Spatial Domain Methods
Image Warping Basics
Image Processing Using Matlab
Image Thresholding and Binary Image Analysis
Edges and Edge Detection
Image Processing: An Introduction
Image Enhancement - Spatial Domain Methods
Image Warping Basics
Image Processing Using Matlab
Image Thresholding and Binary Image Analysis
Edges and Edge Detection
Assignment # 3; Assignment # 4  
6 Fundamentals of Image Processing Image Processing: An Introduction
Image Enhancement - Spatial Domain Methods
Image Warping Basics
Image Processing Using Matlab
Image Thresholding and Binary Image Analysis
Edges and Edge Detection
Image Processing: An Introduction
Image Enhancement - Spatial Domain Methods
Image Warping Basics
Image Processing Using Matlab
Image Thresholding and Binary Image Analysis
Edges and Edge Detection
Assignment # 3; Assignment # 4  
7 Fundamentals of Image Processing Image Processing: An Introduction
Image Enhancement - Spatial Domain Methods
Image Warping Basics
Image Processing Using Matlab
Image Thresholding and Binary Image Analysis
Edges and Edge Detection
Image Processing: An Introduction
Image Enhancement - Spatial Domain Methods
Image Warping Basics
Image Processing Using Matlab
Image Thresholding and Binary Image Analysis
Edges and Edge Detection
Assignment # 3; Assignment # 4  
8 Fundamentals of Image Processing Image Processing: An Introduction
Image Enhancement - Spatial Domain Methods
Image Warping Basics
Image Processing Using Matlab
Image Thresholding and Binary Image Analysis
Edges and Edge Detection
Image Processing: An Introduction
Image Enhancement - Spatial Domain Methods
Image Warping Basics
Image Processing Using Matlab
Image Thresholding and Binary Image Analysis
Edges and Edge Detection
Assignment # 3; Assignment # 4  
9 Mid-Term Exam Mid-Term Exam Mid-Term Exam  
10 Fundamentals of Computer Graphics Graphics: An Introduction
Graphics Pipelines
Graphics Programming
3D Graphics Accelerator Cards and Graphics APIs
Introduction to OpenGL
Input and Interaction
Geometry and Transformations
Graphics: An Introduction
Graphics Pipelines
Graphics Programming
3D Graphics Accelerator Cards and Graphics APIs
Introduction to OpenGL
Input and Interaction
Geometry and Transformations
Assignment # 5; Assignment # 6  
11 Fundamentals of Computer Graphics Graphics: An Introduction
Graphics Pipelines
Graphics Programming
3D Graphics Accelerator Cards and Graphics APIs
Introduction to OpenGL
Input and Interaction
Geometry and Transformations
Graphics: An Introduction
Graphics Pipelines
Graphics Programming
3D Graphics Accelerator Cards and Graphics APIs
Introduction to OpenGL
Input and Interaction
Geometry and Transformations
Assignment # 5; Assignment # 6  
12 Fundamentals of Computer Graphics Graphics: An Introduction
Graphics Pipelines
Graphics Programming
3D Graphics Accelerator Cards and Graphics APIs
Introduction to OpenGL
Input and Interaction
Geometry and Transformations
Graphics: An Introduction
Graphics Pipelines
Graphics Programming
3D Graphics Accelerator Cards and Graphics APIs
Introduction to OpenGL
Input and Interaction
Geometry and Transformations
Assignment # 5; Assignment # 6  
13 Fundamentals of Computer Graphics Graphics: An Introduction
Graphics Pipelines
Graphics Programming
3D Graphics Accelerator Cards and Graphics APIs
Introduction to OpenGL
Input and Interaction
Geometry and Transformations
Graphics: An Introduction
Graphics Pipelines
Graphics Programming
3D Graphics Accelerator Cards and Graphics APIs
Introduction to OpenGL
Input and Interaction
Geometry and Transformations
Assignment # 5; Assignment # 6  
14 Fundamentals of Computer Graphics Graphics: An Introduction
Graphics Pipelines
Graphics Programming
3D Graphics Accelerator Cards and Graphics APIs
Introduction to OpenGL
Input and Interaction
Geometry and Transformations
Graphics: An Introduction
Graphics Pipelines
Graphics Programming
3D Graphics Accelerator Cards and Graphics APIs
Introduction to OpenGL
Input and Interaction
Geometry and Transformations
Assignment # 5; Assignment # 6  
15 Fundamentals of Computer Graphics Graphics: An Introduction
Graphics Pipelines
Graphics Programming
3D Graphics Accelerator Cards and Graphics APIs
Introduction to OpenGL
Input and Interaction
Geometry and Transformations
Graphics: An Introduction
Graphics Pipelines
Graphics Programming
3D Graphics Accelerator Cards and Graphics APIs
Introduction to OpenGL
Input and Interaction
Geometry and Transformations
Assignment # 5; Assignment # 6  
16 Paper Presentations Teamwork-Oriented Paper Study, Presentations, and Documentations Teamwork-Oriented Paper Study, Presentations, and Documentations Assignment # 7; Final Report  
17 Paper Presentations Teamwork-Oriented Paper Study, Presentations, and Documentations Teamwork-Oriented Paper Study, Presentations, and Documentations Assignment # 7; Final Report  
18 Paper Presentations Teamwork-Oriented Paper Study, Presentations, and Documentations Teamwork-Oriented Paper Study, Presentations, and Documentations Assignment # 7; Final Report  
19 Final Exam Final Exam Final Exam  

Teaching instructions
1 起:2024-01-01 迄:2024-01-12 5.小專題 Project 完成指定的學習活動,包括自主學習、程式設計、成果簡報。 依成果報告評定學習表現。

1.自編教材 Handout by Instructor:
□ 1-1.簡報 Slids
□ 1-2.影音教材 Videos
□ 1-3.教具 Teaching Aids
□ 1-4.教科書 Textbook
□ 1-5.其他 Other
□ 2.自編評量工具/量表 Educational Assessment
□ 3.教科書作者提供 Textbook

成績考核 Performance Evaluation: 期末考:20%   期中考:20%   彈性教學:10%   平時考:20%   作業:30%  

教學資源(Teaching Resources):
□ 教材電子檔(Soft Copy of the Handout or the Textbook)
□ 課程網站(Website)