課程名稱 Course Title |
(中文) 太陽能微電網技術
(英文) Solar Microgrid Technology |
開課單位 Departments |
電機工程研究所 |
課程代碼 Course No. |
E5120A |
授課教師 Instructor |
楊祝壽 |
學分數 Credit |
3.0 |
必/選修 core required/optional |
選修 |
開課年級 Level |
研究所 |
先修科目或先備能力(Course Pre-requisites): |
課程概述與目標(Course Overview and Goals): 學生可理解太陽能微電網與儲能系統鏈結之相關知識與技術,並導入電網業師,以實際案場的設計與運作,讓學生透過實務學習。課程中也帶入深度學習演算法應用於太陽能微電網儲能系統的應用實例,使學生學習到人工智慧物聯網應用於太陽能微電網之實際應用。
Students can understand the knowledge and technology related to the connection of solar micro-grids and energy storage systems. This course is assisted by grid operators, including the design and operation of actual cases. The course also brings in the application examples of deep learning algorithms applied to solar microgrid energy storage systems. Therefore students can learn the practical application of artificial intelligence Internet of Things in solar microgrids. |
教科書(Textbook) |
1. MICROGRID- Advanced Control Methods and Renewable Energy System Integration, Edited by MAGDI S. MAHMOUD, Elsevier.
2. 教育部潔淨能源人才培力計畫課程模組
參考教材(Reference) |