課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | Introduction to Computer Vision |
Computer Vision and Applications |
簡介電腦視覺及其應用 |
2 | Image Processing Basics |
1. Images and MATLAB
2. Image Display
3. Point Processing
4. Neighborhood Processing |
影像之基本處理 |
3 | Image Processing Basics |
1. Image Geometry
2. The Fourier Transform
3. Image Restoration
4. Image Segmentation |
影像之基本處理 |
4 | Image Processing Basics |
1. Mathematical Morphology
2. Image Topology
3. Shapes and Boundaries |
影像之基本處理 |
5 | Image Processing Basics |
1. Color Processing
2. Image Coding and Compression
3. Wavelets
4. Special Effects |
影像之基本處理 |
6 | Linear Filtering |
1. Linear Filtering |
線性濾波 |
7 | Edge Detection |
Edge Detection |
邊緣偵測 |
8 | Hough Transform Fitting |
Hough Transform Fitting |
Hough Transform |
9 | 期中考 |
期中考 |
期中考 |
10 | SIFT Keypoint Detection |
SIFT Keypoint Detection |
SIFT特徵偵測 |
11 | Dimensionality Reduction |
Dimensionality Reduction |
維度降低 |
12 | Classifier based on Linear Discriminant Functions - |
Classifier based on Linear Discriminant Functions - |
線性分類器 |
13 | Classifier based on SVM |
Classifier based on SVM |
SVM分類器 |
14 | Classifier based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) |
Classifier based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) |
捲積類神經分類器 |
15 | Object Recognition |
Object Recognition |
物件偵測 |
16 | Face Detection and Recognition |
Face Detection and Recognition |
人臉偵測與辨識 |
17 | 期末考 |
期末考 |
期末考 |
18 | Face Detection and Recognition |
Face Detection and Recognition |
人臉偵測與辨識 |