課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | Introdoction to Differential Equation |
Review of Calculus especially integration techniques like substitution, integration by parts and integration by substitution |
Bridge the link between calculus and 1st order differential equations |
2 | 1st Order Differential Equation |
Introduction to Differential Equation like linearity vs. nonlinearity, order and power and 1st order differential equation solving techniques |
understand what is differential equations, the application of differential equations |
3 | 1st Order Differential Equation |
Introduction the techniques like separation and integration factors to solve 1st Order Differential Equations |
Learn the solving techniques separation and integration factors (linear equation) to solve 1st order differential equations |
4 | 1st Order Differential Equation |
1st order ODE solving techniques excat and exact with integration factors |
learn the techniques of solving excat and exact with integration factors in 1st oder ODE |
5 | 1st Order Differential Equation |
1st order ODE solving techniques like substitution, Bernoulli and homogeneous type equations |
Learn the techniques of substitution to solve Bernoulli, homogeneous types of ODEs |
6 | 2nd order Differential Equations |
The defintion of 2nd order Differential Equations, homoegenous and non-homogeneous type equations.
Constant coefficient 2nd order Differential Equations
Euler 2nd order Differential Equations
Reduction of order |
Learn 2nd order Differential Equations, and what are homoegenous and non-homogeneous type equations
two types of homoegenous type equations: 1.Constant coefficient 2. Euler |
7 | 2nd order Differential Equations |
Non-homogeneous type of 2nd order ODE undetermined coefficient method |
Learn how to solve Non-homogeneous type of 2nd order ODE by undetermined coefficient method |
8 | 2nd order Differential Equations |
Solve non-homogeneous 2nd order ODE by
variation of parameters methods |
Learn how to solve variable coefficient non-homogeneous 2nd order ODE by variation of parameters methods |
9 | Midterm |
Midterm |
Midterm |
10 | Laplace Transform |
1. What is Laplace Transform
2. Basic function of Laplace Transform
3. The convergence condition of Laplace Transform |
1. What is Laplace Transform
2. Basic function of Laplace Transform |
11 | Laplace Transform |
Basic functions Inverse Laplace Transform
1st shift theorem
2nd shift theorem |
How to take inverse inverse transform of basic functions
What is 1st shift theorem? The applications?
What is 2nd shift theorem? The applications? |
12 | Laplace Transform |
Laplace transform more advanced topics |
learn how to calculate:
the Laplace Transform involiving functions times t
the Laplace Transform involiving functions divided by t
the inverse Laplace Transform involiving functions times s
the inverse Laplace Transform involiving functions divided by s |
13 | Laplace Transform |
Unit step functions
Impulse functions
periodic functions |
learn to calculate unit step functions, Impulse functions and periodic functions |
14 | Laplace Transform |
applation of convolution |
the operation of convolution
why we need convolution
application of convolution |
15 | Series Solution of 2nd order ODE |
series solution of linear equations
power series solution
solution about ordinary points |
why we need series solution
what is power series |
16 | Series Solution of 2nd order ODE |
solution about singular points |
what are singular points
how to obtain series solution about singular points |
17 | Series Solution of 2nd order ODE |
special functions |
Bessel functions
Legendre functions
application of Bessel functions
application of Legendre functions |
18 | Final Exam |
Final Exam |
Final Exam |