教學大綱表 (111學年度 第1學期)
Course Title
(中文) 高齡化社會與終身學習
(英文) Lifelong Learning And The Ageing Society
Course No.
2.0 必/選修
core required/optional
選修 開課年級
先修科目或先備能力(Course Pre-requisites):無
課程概述與目標(Course Overview and Goals):To provide an overview of the impact of socio-demographic changes
To provide an introduction to the concept and the crucial role of lifelong learning
To introduce the role of mobile technologies exploring in the elderly’s everyday lives
To enable students to explore Gerontechnology products and understand how smart technology applies to long-term care services and for independent living
參考教材(Reference) 高齡學(2016):黃富順, 楊國德。台北:五南
Bond, J. (2007). Ageing in society: European perspectives on gerontology (3rd ed.). London; Los Angeles: SAGE
Stuart-Hamilton, I. (ed.) (2011) An Introduction to Gerontology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
課程大綱 Syllabus 學生學習目標
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities

Unit topic
Content summary
1 Introduction Introduction to the unit and the criteria for assessment for this unit 認識同學
2 The impact of socio-demographic changes 人口結構改變對社會的影響 Provide an overview of socio-demographic characteristics in key population ageing countries Students will be able to understand demographic trends, and how do demographic changes affect society.  
3 What is gerontology? 老年學簡介 Provide a brief introduction to the definition of ageing and the process of ageing Students will be able to know the process of ageing.  
4 Key concepts of ageing 老化的主要概念介紹 Introduction to physical, psychological/cognitive and sociological aspects of ageing Students will be able to understand the process of ageing from different angles  
5 Policies and practices on ageing (1): the International context國際組織因應人口高齡化的政策與實踐 Introduction to the concept of Healthy Ageing, Successful Ageing and Active Ageing Students should get to know the key projects, the projects' objectives and outcomes in an international context.  
6 Policies and practices on ageing (2): the Taiwan context 台灣因應人口高齡化的政策與實踐 Introduction to the implementation of long-term care, healthy living, and elderly's social participation Students will have a better perspective on the ageing projects in Taiwan.  
7 The concept of Lifelong Learning介紹終身學習概念 Introduction to the concept of lifelong learning To make sure students understand the importance of lifelong learning towards an ageing society  
8 Visiting the Tatung elderly learning center參訪大同樂齡大學 Having intergenerational communication and investigating the learning needs for older adults Students will be able to know the courses provided in Tatung Elderly learning center and understand the learning needs of elderly 實地參訪與否視情況調整  
9 Midterm assessment 期中書面報告 繳交期中書面報告  
10 Lifelong learning projects in other countries and Taiwan 終身學習發展趨勢 Introduction to the trend of lifelong learning in global and Taiwan context Students will develop their understanding of lifelong learning projects across the world.  
11 Ageing in place 在地老化 Introduction to elderly learning centers Students will be able to understand the concept and vision of lifelong learning centers.  
12 Smartphone usage among elderly (1) 高齡者與智慧型手機的使用1 Introduction to the use of mobile technologies for the elderly Students will be able to deepen their understanding of the use of mobile technologies among the elderly.  
13 Smartphone usage among elderly (2) 高齡者與智慧型手機的使用2 Elderly and the use of digital technologies during COVID-19 pandemic Students will be able to develop their understanding of the elderly's adaptation to smartphones during the Post-COVID era.  
14 Introduction to Gerontechnology(1) 老人福祉科技簡介1 Introduction to the application of new technology to older people Students will develop their understanding of "Gerontechnology".  
15 Introduction to Gerontechnology(2) 老人福祉科技簡介2 Introduction to Geronotechnology products Students will develop their understanding of "Gerontechnology" products, the design, and the usage.  
16 Smart Home technology 樂齡智慧住宅介紹 Introduction to Smart Homes Students will develop their understanding of Smart Homes.  
17 Age-friendly cities 高齡友善城市介紹 Introduce to the age-friendly cities in other countries and Taiwan Students will develop their understanding of age-friendly cities and communities.  
18 End-of-term assessment 期末報告 期末報告
書面(個人) +口頭報告 (個人/分組) 3-5分鐘

1.自編教材 Handout by Instructor:
□ 1-1.簡報 Slids
□ 1-2.影音教材 Videos
□ 1-3.教具 Teaching Aids
□ 1-4.教科書 Textbook
□ 1-5.其他 Other
□ 2.自編評量工具/量表 Educational Assessment
□ 3.教科書作者提供 Textbook

成績考核 Performance Evaluation: 期末考:40%   期中考:30%   其他評量:20%   :10%  

教學資源(Teaching Resources):
□ 教材電子檔(Soft Copy of the Handout or the Textbook)
□ 課程網站(Website)