教學大綱表 (112學年度 第2學期)
Course Title
(中文) 數位電子學
(英文) Digital Electronics
Course No.
3.0 必/選修
core required/optional
必修 開課年級
先修科目或先備能力(Course Pre-requisites):Calculus
課程概述與目標(Course Overview and Goals):This course is to teach students about the basic digital electronics circuits and theories, including basic circuit elements, resistive circuits and their solutions, diode and diode circuits, operating amplifiers, field effect transistors.
教科書(Textbook) Electrical Engineering, Principles and Applications, Allan R. Hambley
參考教材(Reference) Class Notes
課程大綱 Syllabus 學生學習目標
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities

Unit topic
Content summary
1 模擬工具的使用介紹與測驗驗收 1. Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Circuits
2. Basic Units and Ohm's Law
3. 模擬工具的使用介紹與測驗驗收
1. Know the reason why studying Electrical and Electronic Circuits
2. Know the basic units in Physics and Electrical Circuits
3. Learn the relationship of voltage, current and resistance
2 Simple Circuit elements and Laws 1. Voltage and Current sources
2. Kirchoff's Voltage Law
3. Kirchoff's Current Law
1. Know what are the voltage and current sources
2. Understand what is Kirchoff's Voltage Law
3. Understand what is Kirchoff's Current Law
3 Resistive Circuits 1. Resistances in Series and Parallel
2. Powers
1. Understand the equivalent resistance of a series or parallel connected resistors
2. Calculate the power consumptions of the elements in a circuit.
4 Resistive Circuits 1. Voltage Divider
2. Current Divider
3. Network Analysis
1. Know how to analyze the voltage divider circuit.
2. Know how to analyze the current divider circuit.
3. Know the concept of analyzing a resistive circuit network
5 Circuit Analysis Techniques 1. Nodal Analysis
2. Mesh Analysis
1. Know what is the Nodal analysis and how to solve the circuit using it.
2. Know what is the Mesh analysis and how to solve the circuit using it.
6 Source transformation and Equivalent Circuits 1. Thevenin Equivalent Circuit
2. Norton Equivalent Circuit
1. Know what is the Thevenin equivalent circuit and the way to find the equivalent source circuit for the load.
2. Know what is the Norton equivalent circuit and the way to find the the equivalent source circuit for the load.
7 Superposition Principle and Maximum Power Transfer 1. Superposition principle
2. Maximum power transfer
1. Know the superposition principle for the specific circuit element of a linear circuit.
2. Know the maximum power that can be drawn from the source circuit from the Thevenin equivalent circuit.
8 Semiconductor material and diodes 1. Introduction to semiconductor material
2. Diode PN junction
3. DC analysis of diode circuit
1. Know what is a semiconductor
2. Know the diode and its characteristics
3. Learn the way to analyze DC diode circuit.
9 Semiconductor material and diodes 1. Zener Diode
2. Light-emitting Diode
1. Know the characteristics of Zener diode and its applications.
2. Know the characteristics of Light-emitting diode.
10 Diode Cirsuits 1. Rectifier Circuits
2. Clipper and Clamper Circuits
3. Zener Diode Circuits
4. Photodiode and LED Circuits
1. Rectifier Circuits
2. Clipper and Clamper Circuits
3. Zener Diode Circuits
4. Photodiode and LED Circuits
11 Field Effect Transistors 1. MOS Field-Effect Transistor
2. MOSFET DC Circuit Analysis
3. Basic MOSFET Applications: Switch, Digital Logic Gate, and Amplifier
4. Junction Field-Effect Transistor
1. MOS Field-Effect Transistor
2. MOSFET DC Circuit Analysis
3. Basic MOSFET Applications: Switch, Digital Logic Gate, and Amplifier
4. Junction Field-Effect Transistor
12 Field Effect Transistors 1. MOS Field-Effect Transistor
2. MOSFET DC Circuit Analysis
3. Basic MOSFET Applications: Switch, Digital Logic Gate, and Amplifier
4. Junction Field-Effect Transistor
1. MOS Field-Effect Transistor
2. MOSFET DC Circuit Analysis
3. Basic MOSFET Applications: Switch, Digital Logic Gate, and Amplifier
4. Junction Field-Effect Transistor
13 FET Digital Circuits 1. NMOS Inverters
2. NMOS Logic Circuits
3. CMOS Inverter
4. CMOS Logic Circuits
5. Transmission Gates
6. Shift Registers and Flip-Flops
1. NMOS Inverters
2. NMOS Logic Circuits
3. CMOS Inverter
4. CMOS Logic Circuits
5. Transmission Gates
6. Shift Registers and Flip-Flops
14 FET Digital Circuits 1. NMOS Inverters
2. NMOS Logic Circuits
3. CMOS Inverter
4. CMOS Logic Circuits
5. Transmission Gates
6. Shift Registers and Flip-Flops
1. NMOS Inverters
2. NMOS Logic Circuits
3. CMOS Inverter
4. CMOS Logic Circuits
5. Transmission Gates
6. Shift Registers and Flip-Flops
15 FET Digital Circuits 1. NMOS Inverters
2. NMOS Logic Circuits
3. CMOS Inverter
4. CMOS Logic Circuits
5. Transmission Gates
6. Shift Registers and Flip-Flops
1. NMOS Inverters
2. NMOS Logic Circuits
3. CMOS Inverter
4. CMOS Logic Circuits
5. Transmission Gates
6. Shift Registers and Flip-Flops
16 Operational Amplifiers 1. Ideal OP-Amp Model
2. Inverting Amplifier
3. Summing Amplifier
4. Non-inverting Amplifier
5. OP-Amp Applications
1. Ideal OP-Amp Model
2. Inverting Amplifier
3. Summing Amplifier
4. Non-inverting Amplifier
5. OP-Amp Applications
17 Operational Amplifiers 1. Ideal OP-Amp Model
2. Inverting Amplifier
3. Summing Amplifier
4. Non-inverting Amplifier
5. OP-Amp Applications
1. Ideal OP-Amp Model
2. Inverting Amplifier
3. Summing Amplifier
4. Non-inverting Amplifier
5. OP-Amp Applications
18 Summary Summary Take the final examination to assess the learning outcome.  

Teaching instructions
1 起:2024-04-28 迄:2024-06-21 6.其他 Others 分組報告 以分組專題問題導向學習的模式,瞭解同學學習思考的方法。 佔10%

1.自編教材 Handout by Instructor:
□ 1-1.簡報 Slids
□ 1-2.影音教材 Videos
□ 1-3.教具 Teaching Aids
■ 1-4.教科書 Textbook
□ 1-5.其他 Other
□ 2.自編評量工具/量表 Educational Assessment
□ 3.教科書作者提供 Textbook

成績考核 Performance Evaluation: 期末考:25%   期中考:25%   其他評量:25%   彈性教學:10%   平時考:15%  

教學資源(Teaching Resources):
□ 教材電子檔(Soft Copy of the Handout or the Textbook)
□ 課程網站(Website)