課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | Introduction of Data Communication System |
1. Data Processing
2. Data Transmission
3. Data Networking |
從應用需求認知Data Communication System |
2 | Information Theory |
1. Source Coding Theory
2. Channel Coding Theory
3. Rate Distortion Theory |
認知 Information Theory 的三大定理 |
作業 問答 報告
3 | Networking |
1. OSI 7 Layer Model |
認知OSI 7 Layer Model各層的功能、技術與協定 |
講授 媒體教學
作業 問答 報告
4 | Transmission and Multiple Access |
1. Transmission methods and Modulation Technologies
2. Multiple Access Technologies |
學習Transmission methods、Modulation Technologies、and Multiple Access Technologies |
講授 媒體教學
作業 問答 報告
5 | Wireless Communication System and Technologies |
1. Wireless Communication System Architecture
2. Wireless Communication Technologies |
學習Wireless Communication System Architecture and Wireless Communication Technologies |
講授 媒體教學
作業 問答 報告
6 | 5G ORAN Basestation Design |
1. ORAN Hardware & Opensource Software
2. 5G ORAN Basestation Design |
學習基地站系統架構及如何設計5G ORAN Basestation |
講授 媒體教學
作業 問答 報告