課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | Welcome and introduction to Natural Language Processing |
NLP background
Knowledge in Speech and Language Processing
Models and Algorithms
Language, Thought, and Understanding
Some Brief History |
NLP basis |
2 | Regular Expressions, Text Normalization, Edit Distance (1) |
Regular Expressions
Word and Corpora
Word Tokenization
Word Normalization |
Regular Expressions, Text Normalization |
3 | Regular Expressions, Text Normalization, Edit Distance (2) |
Python RE
Python NLTK |
Python programming: re and nltk |
4 | Sentiment Analysis Using Logistic Classification(1) |
Supervised ML and Sentiment Analysis
Vocabulary & Feature Extraction
Negative and Positive Frequencies
Feature Extraction with Frequencies |
Sentiment Analysis Using Logistic Classification |
5 | Sentiment Analysis Using Logistic Classification(2) |
Putting it All Together
Logistic Regression Overview
Logistic Regression: Training
Logistic Regression: Testing |
Sentiment Analysis Using Logistic Classification |
專題第一階段:python re, nltk; Sentiment Analysis using Logistic Classification |
6 | Sentiment Analysis with Naïve Bayes (1) |
Probability and Bayes’ Rule
Naïve Bayes Introduction
Laplacian Smoothing
Log-Likelihood |
Sentiment Analysis with Naïve Bayes |
7 | Sentiment Analysis with Naïve Bayes (2) |
Training Naïve Bayes
Testing Naïve Bayes
Applications of Naïve Bayes
Naïve Bayes Assumptions |
Sentiment Analysis with Naïve Bayes |
專題分組開始。 專題第二階段:Sentiment Analysis using Naive Bayes Method |
8 | Vector Space Models |
Intro. to Vector Space Models
Word by Word and Word by Doc.
Euclidean Distance
Cosine Similarity
Manipulating Words in Vector Spaces
Visualization and PCA |
Vector Space Models |
9 | 期中考週 |
期中測驗 |
期中測驗 |
10 | Vector Semantics and Embeddings (1) |
Basic word Representation
Word Embeddings
How to Create Word Embeddings
Word Embedding Methods
Continuous Bag-of-Words Model |
Vector Semantics and Embeddings |
11 | Vector Semantics and Embeddings (2) |
Cleaning and Tokenization
Sliding Window of Words in Python
Transforming Words into Vectors
Architecture of the CBOW Model
Architecture of the CBOW Model: Activation Functions |
Vector Semantics and Embeddings |
12 | Vector Semantics and Embeddings (3) |
Training a CBOW Model
Extracting Word Embedding Vectors
Evaluating Word Embeddings
Examples of Word Embedding |
Vector Semantics and Embeddings |
13 | Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis |
Neural Networks and Forward Propagation
Trax: Neural Networks Trax: Layers
Dense and ReLU Layers
Serial Layer
Other Layers
Traiining |
Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis |
14 | Recurrent Neural Networks for Language Modeling |
Traditional Language Models
Recurrent Neural Networks
Applications of RNNs
Math in Simple RNNs
Cost Function for RNNs
Gated Recurrent Units |
Recurrent Neural Networks for Language Modeling |
15 | Neural Machine Translation and Transformer |
Setup for Machine Translation
Introduction to Transformer |
Neural Machine Translation and Transformer |
16 | 期末報告 (1) |
期末報告 |
期末報告 |
17 | 期末報告(2) |
期末報告 |
期末報告 |
18 | 期末考週 |
期末測驗 |
期末測驗 |