課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | Introduction |
1. Orientation
2. Commonly used journalistic terms
3. Chinese romanization |
Commonly used journalistic terms
Chinese romanization |
2 | Types of newspapers |
What's in the news?
Broadsheet vs. Tabloids |
What's in the news?
Broadsheet vs. Tabloids |
3 | English Language Newspapers |
Major newspapers in the US and the UK |
Major newspapers in the US and the UK |
4 | Front Page and Headlines |
Syntactic characteristics of headlines |
Syntactic characteristics of headlines |
5 | Headlines and Lead Sentences I |
Understanding headlines and analyzing lead sentences I |
Understanding headlines and analyzing lead sentences I |
6 | Headlines and Lead Sentences II |
Understanding headlines and analyzing lead sentences II |
Understanding headlines and analyzing lead sentences II |
7 | Lead and Journalistic Writing |
A news article |
The structure of a news article |
8 | Review |
Review |
Review |
9 | Midterm |
Midterm |
Midterm |
10 | News letters |
News letters |
Writing a news letter |
11 | Guest speaker I |
Political news |
Political news |
12 | Guest speaker II |
Economics and Finance |
Economics and Finance |
13 | Guest speaker III |
National news and society |
National news and society |
14 | Guest speaker IV |
Science and Technology |
Science and Technology |
15 | Guest speaker V |
Entertainment and Sports |
Entertainment and Sports |
16 | Presentation I |
News letters |
News letters |
17 | Presentation II |
News letters |
News letters |
18 | Final Exam |
Final Exam |
Final Exam |