課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | Basic concepts |
Physical origins and rate equation |
認識熱傳基本物理原理與方程式 |
2 | Basic concepts |
Conservation of energy |
了解能量守恆在熱傳分析之應用 |
3 | Fundmental concepts of conduction |
1. The conduction rate equation
2. Thermal properties of matter |
認識熱傳導定律與物質熱物理性質 |
4 | Fundmental concepts of conduction |
1. Heat diffusion equation
2. Boundary and initial conditions |
認識熱擴散方程式及其應用基本觀念 |
5 | Steady one-dimensional conduction |
The plane wall |
了解一維穩態熱傳導分析方法 |
6 | Steady one-dimensional conduction |
1. Alternative conduction analysis
2. Conduction with thermal energy generation |
了解其他一維穩態熱傳分析方法 |
7 | Steady one-dimensional conduction |
Extended surface |
了解散熱片應用及一維分析方法 |
8 | Steady multi-dimensional conduction |
1. Method of seperation of variables
2. The shape factor |
了解分離變數法與型態因子在二維穩態熱傳問題分析及應用 |
9 | 期中考 |
期中考 |
期中考 |
10 | Time-dependent conduction |
The lumped capacitance method |
了解非穩態熱傳現象與分析方法 |
11 | Time-dependent conduction |
1. General lump capacitance analysis
2. Spatial effects |
了解廣義非穩態熱傳問題與空間效應 |
12 | Basic concepts of convection |
1. Convection boundary layer
2. Local and average convection coefficients
3. Laminar and turbulent flow |
認識邊界層原理與熱對流係數定義 |
13 | Basic concepts of convection |
1. Boundary layer equations
2. Dimensionless parameters |
認識邊界層方程式與無因次參數 |
14 | External forced convection |
1. The empirical method
2. The flat plate in parallel flow |
認識外流場與平板強迫對流分析方法 |
15 | External forced convection |
The circular cylinder in parallel flow |
認識圓柱與其他外流場強迫對流分析方法 |
16 | Internal forced convection |
1. Hydrodynamics considerations
2. Thermal considerations |
認識內流場特性與熱對流分析方法 |
17 | Internal forced convection |
Convection correlations |
認識各種內流場經驗公式與應用方法 |
18 | 期末考 |
期末考 |
期末考 |