課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | State Variable Models |
1. The State Differential Equation
2. Signal-Flow Graph and Block Diagram Models
3. Solution of State Equations and Cayley-Hamilton Theory |
讓學生學習到控制系統的狀態變數模型、訊號流程圖方塊圖以及如何解狀態變數方程,Cayley-Hamilton定理 |
2 | State Variable Models |
1. Eigen values and eigen vectors
2. Diagonalization
3. Similarity Transform |
介紹解狀態變數方程式的特徵值、特徵矩陣及矩陣對角化與矩陣相似轉換 |
3 | State Variable Models |
1. State-space representation of transfer function
2. Controlability and Observability
3. Homework |
使學生學習到矩陣相似轉換、喬登矩陣以及轉移函數的狀態變數表示法,介紹可控制性及可觀測性 |
4 | State Variable Models |
1. Homework (State Variable Models)
2. Test input signals
3. Performance of second-order systems |
介紹二階系統的時域性能指標及測試訊號 |
5 | Performance of Feedback Control Systems |
平時考及講解 |
藉由平時考了解學生學習情況 |
6 | Performance of Feedback Control Systems |
1. Steady-state error
2. Homework |
介紹控制系統之穩態誤差,作業講解 |
7 | 無 |
放假無進度 |
放假無進度 |
8 | Performance of Feedback Control Systems |
平時考及講解 |
藉由平時考了解同學學習情況 |
9 | State Variable Models, Performance of Feedback Control Systems |
期中考 |
藉由期中考了解同學前半學期之學習情況 |
10 | The Stability of Linear Feedback Systems |
1. Introduction
2. The Rourth-Hurwitz Stability Criterion |
本單元章節可使學生學習如何計算羅斯表,並藉以判斷線性系統的穩定性。 |
11 | The Stability of Linear Feedback Systems |
1. The relative Stability of Feedback Control Systems
2. The Stability of State Variable Systems
3. Examples |
本單元章節可使學生學習到相對穩定性及狀態變數系統的穩定性,檢討作業了解學生學習成效 |
12 | The Stability of Linear Feedback Systems |
平時考及講解 |
藉由平時考了解學生學習情況 |
13 | The Root Locus Method |
1. Introduction
2. The Root Locus Concept
3. The Root Locus Procedures |
單元章節可使學生學習到根軌跡的概念及繪製步驟 |
14 | The Root Locus Method |
1. The robot locus procedure
2. Examples |
單元章節可使學生學習到根軌跡的概念及繪製步驟 |
15 | The Root Locus Method |
平時考及講解 |
藉由平時考了解同學學習情況 |
16 | Feedback Control System Characteristics |
1. Introduction
2. Sensitivity of control systems to parameter variations
3. Disturbance signals in feedback control system
4. Control of the transient response
5. The cost of feedback |
使學生學習到閉迴路控制的益處及相對所付代價 |
17 | Frequency Response Methods |
1. Bode Plot
2. Polar Plot and Nyquist Plot
3. M circle, N circle and Nichols Chart
4. Stability in Frequency Domian |
可以讓學生學習到頻率響應分析所用的波德圖、極座標圖、奈氏圖與尼可圖,以及頻域穩定判斷法 |
18 | 期末考試 |
學期考試 |
學末考試 |