教學大綱表 (112學年度 第1學期)
Course Title
(中文) 組織行為
(英文) Organizational Behavior
Course No.
3.0 必/選修
core required/optional
選修 開課年級
先修科目或先備能力(Course Pre-requisites):
課程概述與目標(Course Overview and Goals):The objective of this course is to make students realize how to improve their abilities to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in groups. The main contents include:
(1) the individual, (2) the group, (3) the leadership, (4) the organization system.
教科書(Textbook) S. P. Robins & T. A. Judge ,Organizational Behavior,Eighteenth Edition,華泰文化,2022。
課程大綱 Syllabus 學生學習目標
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities

Unit topic
Content summary
1 Ch1 What is organizational behavior 1. The Importance of Interpersonal Skills
2. What Managers Do
3. What is Organizational Behavior
1. Demonstrate the importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace.
2. Describe the manager’s functions[, roles, and skills.
3. Define organizational behavior
2 Ch3 Attitudes and job satisfaction 1. What Are the Main Components of Attitudes.
2. Does Behavior Always Follow from Attitudes?
3. The Major Job Attitude.
1. Contrast the three components of an attitude.
2. Summarize the relationship between attitudes and behavior.
3. Compare and contrast the major job attitudes.
3 Ch4 Personality and values 1. What Is Personality?
2. How to Measuring Personality?
3. The Big Five Personality Model.
4. How Do the Big Five Traits Predict Behavior at Work?
5. Hofstede’s Framework for Assessing Cultures.
1. Define personality.
2. Identify the key traits in the Big Five personality model.
3. Demonstrate how the Big Five traits predict behavior at work.
4. Identify Hofstede’s five value dimensions of national culture.
4 Ch 5 Perception and individual decision making 1. What Is Perception?
2. Factors That Influence Perception.
3. Clarification of the Differences between Internal and External Causation.
4. Common Shortcuts in Judging Others.
1. Define perception and explain the factors that influence it.
2. Explain attribution theory and list the three determinants of attribution.
3. Identify the shortcuts individuals use in making judgments about others.
5 Ch7 Motivation concepts 1. What Is Motivation?
2. Early Theories of Motivation.
3. Contemporary Theories of Motivation.
1. Describe the three key elements of motivation.
2. Identify early theories of motivation and evaluate their applicability today.
3. Compare contemporary theories of motivation.
6 Ch8 Motivation: from concepts to applications 1. Motivating by Job Design: The Job Characteristics Model.
2. How Can Jobs Be Redesigned?
3. Alternative Work Arrangements
1. Describe the job characteristics model .
2. Compare and contrast the main ways jobs can be redesigned.
3. Identify three alternative work arrangements and show how they might motive employees.
7 Ch9 Foundations of group behavior 1. Defining and Classifying Groups
2. Stages of Group Development
3. Group Properties: Roles, Norms, Status, Size, and Cohesivenes
1. Define group and distinguish the different types of groups.
2. Identify the five stages of group development.
3. Show how role requirements change in different situations.
e employees.
8 Ch 11 Power and Politics 1. Bases of Power
2. How Power Affects People
3. Politics: Power in Action
1. Understand which bases of power are most effective
2. Understand the reality of politics
9 Ch12 Communication 1. Functions of Communication
2. The Communication Process
3. Managing Information
4. Choice of Communication Channel
1. Identify the main functions of communication.
2. Describe the communication process and distinguish between formal and informal communication.
3. Identify common barriers to effective communication.
10 Ch13 Leaderships 1. What Is Leaders
2. Trait Theories
3. Behavioral Theories
4. Contingency Theories
5. Finding and Creating Effective Leaders
1. Define leadership and contrast leadership and management.
2. Summarize the conclusions of trait theories of leadership.
3. Address challenges to the effectiveness of leadership.
11 Ch14 Foundations of organization structure 1. What Is Organizational Structure?
2. Common Organizational Designs
3. New Design Options
4. Organizational Designs and Employee Behavior
1. Identify the six elements of an organization’s structure.
2. Identify the characteristics of a bureaucracy.
3. Analyze the behavioral implications of different organizational designs.
12 Ch 15 Organization culture 1. What Is Organizational Culture?
2. What Do Cultures Do?
3. Creating a Positive Organizational Culture
1. Define organizational culture.
2. Compare the functional and dysfunctional effects of organizational culture on people and the organization.
3. Identify the factors that create and sustain an organization’s culture.
13 Ch17 Organizational change and stress management 1. Forces for Change
2. Resistance to Change
3. Approaches to Managing Organizational Change
4. Work Stress and Its Management
1. Identify forces that act as stimulants to change, and contrast planned and unplanned change.
2. Describe the sources of resistance to change.
3. Define stress and identify its potential sources.
14 Ch 18 Conflict and Negotiation 1. The Conflict Process
2. The Negotiation Process
Understand the process of conflict and negotiation  
15 Final report Evaluate learning outcome. Evaluate learning outcome.  
16 Final report Evaluate learning outcome. Evaluate learning outcome.  
17 Learning experience report What is your biggest inspiration or gain from this course? Review your learning experience. 彈性教學
18 Learning experience report What is your biggest inspiration or gain from this course? Review your learning experience. 彈性教學

Teaching instructions
1 起:2024-01-02 迄:2024-01-14 6.其他 Others 學習心得報告 這門課給你的最大啟發或收穫 心得發表

1.自編教材 Handout by Instructor:
□ 1-1.簡報 Slids
□ 1-2.影音教材 Videos
□ 1-3.教具 Teaching Aids
■ 1-4.教科書 Textbook
□ 1-5.其他 Other
□ 2.自編評量工具/量表 Educational Assessment
□ 3.教科書作者提供 Textbook

成績考核 Performance Evaluation: 作業:40%   報告:20%   期末考:30%   彈性教學:10%  

教學資源(Teaching Resources):
□ 教材電子檔(Soft Copy of the Handout or the Textbook)
□ 課程網站(Website)