課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | Plant structure, growth and development |
1. The plant body
2. Meristems generate cells for new organs
3. Primary growth and secondary growth |
1. The plant body
2. Meristems generate cells for new tissues ans organs in vascular plants
3. Primary growth and secondary growth of vascular plants |
2 | Plant structure, growth and development |
1. The plant body
2. Meristems generate cells for new organs
3. Primary growth and secondary growth |
1. The plant body
2. Meristems generate cells for new tissues and organs in vascular plants
3. Primary growth and secondary growth in vascular plants |
3 | Transport in vascular plants |
1. Water and minerals ascend from roots to shoots through the xylem
2. Transpiration
3. organic nutrients are translocated through the phloem |
1. Water and minerals ascend from roots to shoots through the xylem
2. Transpiration
3. organic nutrients are translocated through the phloem |
4 | Transport in vascular plants |
1. Water and minerals ascend from roots to shoots through the xylem
2. Transpiration
3. organic nutrients are translocated through the phloem |
1. Water and minerals ascend from roots to shoots through the xylem
2. Transpiration
3. organic nutrients are translocated through the phloem |
5 | Angiosperm reproduction |
1. Flower structure and pollination
2. Double fertilization
3. Ovule to seed and ovary to fruit
4. Seed germination |
1. Flower structure and pollination
2. Double fertilization
3. Ovule to seed and ovary to fruit
4. Seed germination |
6 | Plant response to internal and external signals |
1. Plant hormones
2. Responses to light are critical for plant success
3. Plants respond to a wide variety of stimuli other than light
4. Plants defend themselves |
1. Plant hormones
2. Responses to light are critical for plant success
3. Plants respond to a wide variety of stimuli other than light
4. Plants defend themselves |
7 | Plant response to internal and external signals |
1. Plant hormones
2. Responses to light are critical for plant success
3. Plants respond to a wide variety of stimuli other than light
4. Plants defend themselves |
1. Plant hormones
2. Responses to light are critical for plant success
3. Plants respond to a wide variety of stimuli other than light
4. Plants defend themselves |
8 | Midterm Exam. |
Midterm Exam. |
Midterm Exam. |
9 | Digestive system |
1. Animal\'s essential nutrients
2. Digestive system |
1. Animal\'s essential nutrients
2. Digestive system |
10 | Circulatory systen and respiration system |
1. Mammalian circulation
2. Mammalian heart, blood and vessels
3. Lymphatic system
4. Respirtory system |
1. Mammalian circulation
2. Mammalian heart, blood and vessels
3. Lymphatic system
4. Respirtory system |
11 | Circulatory systen and respiration system |
1. Mammalian circulation
2. Mammalian heart, blood and vessels
3. Lymphatic system
4. Respirtory system |
1. Mammalian circulation
2. Mammalian heart, blood and vessels
3. Lymphatic system
4. Respirtory system |
12 | Immune system |
1. Innate immunity
2. Acquired immunity
3. Humoral immunity and cell-mediated immunity |
1. Innate immunity
2. Acquired immunity
3. Humoral immunity and cell-mediated immunity |
13 | Immune system |
1. Innate immunity
2. Acquired immunity
3. Humoral immunity and cell-mediated immunity |
1. Innate immunity
2. Acquired immunity
3. Humoral immunity and cell-mediated immunity |
14 | Osmoregulation and excretion |
1. Osmoregulation balance
2. Diverse excretory systems
3. Mammalian kidney
4. Regulation of kidney function |
1. Osmoregulation balance
2. Diverse excretory systems
3. Mammalian kidney
4. Regulation of kidney function |
15 | Animal reproduction |
1. Reproductive cycles and patterns
2. Female and male reproductive system
3. Hormone control |
1. Reproductive cycles and patterns
2. Female and male reproductive system
3. Hormone control |
16 | Term Exam. |
Term Exam. |
Tern Exam. |