教學大綱表 (112學年度 第1學期)
Course Title
(中文) 生物化學(一)
(英文) Biochemistry
Course No.
3.0 必/選修
core required/optional
選修 開課年級
先修科目或先備能力(Course Pre-requisites):生物學、普通化學、有機化學
課程概述與目標(Course Overview and Goals):本課程著重生物大分子之組成、結構、及功能之介紹。包括生物熱力學、水分子、細胞結構、醣類、油脂、蛋白質、及核酸等。其目標是引介同學進入生物化學之殿堂。
教科書(Textbook) D.R. Appling, S.J. Anthony-Cahill, and C. K. Mathews
global edition
Biochemistry, concepts and connections
Pearson, 2016
參考教材(Reference) 網路資料
課程大綱 Syllabus 學生學習目標
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities

Unit topic
Content summary
1 Chapter 1 – Biochemistry and the Language of Biochemistry 1. The science of Biochemistry
2. The elements and molecules of living system
3. Distinguishing characteristics of living systems
4. The unit of biological organization :The cell
5. Biochemistry and the information explosion
1. The science of Biochemistry
2. The elements and molecules of living system
3. Distinguishing characteristics of living systems
4. The unit of biological organization :The cell
5. Biochemistry and the information explosion
2 Chapter 2 – The Chemical Foundation of Life: Weak Interactions in an Aqueous Environment 1. The importance of noncovalent interactions in Biochemistry
2. The nature of noncovalent interactions
3. The role of water in biological processes
4. Acid-base Equilibria
5. Interactions between macroions in solution
1. The importance of noncovalent interactions in Biochemistry
2. The nature of noncovalent interactions
3. The role of water in biological processes
4. Acid-base Equilibria
5. Interactions between macroions in solution
3 Chapter 3 – The Energetics of Life 1. Free energy
2. Free energy: The second law in open system
3. The relationship between free energy, the equilibrium state, and non-equilibrium concentrations of reactants and products
4. Free energy in biological systems
1. Free energy
2. Free energy: The second law in open system
3. The relationship between free energy, the equilibrium state, and non-equilibrium concentrations of reactants and products
4. Free energy in biological systems
4 Chapter 4–Nucleic Acids 1. NA--Informational macromolecules
2. Primary structure of NA
3. Secondary and tertiary structure of NA
4. Alternative Secondary structure of DNA
5. The helix-to-random coil transition : NA denaturation
6. The Biological functions of NA
1. NA--Informational macromolecules
2. Primary structure of NA
3. Secondary and tertiary structure of NA
4. Alternative Secondary structure of DNA
5. The helix-to-random coil transition : NA denaturation
6. The Biological functions of NA
5 Chapter 4–Nucleic Acids 1. NA--Informational macromolecules
2. Primary structure of NA
3. Secondary and tertiary structure of NA
4. Alternative Secondary structure of DNA
5. The helix-to-random coil transition : NA denaturation
6. The Biological functions of NA
1. NA--Informational macromolecules
2. Primary structure of NA
3. Secondary and tertiary structure of NA
4. Alternative Secondary structure of DNA
5. The helix-to-random coil transition : NA denaturation
6. The Biological functions of NA
6 Chapter 5 – Introduction to Proteins: The Primary Level of Protein Structure 1. Amino acids
2. Peptides and the peptide bond
3. Proteins : polypeptides of defined sequences
4. From gene to protein
5. From gene sequence to protein function
6. Protein sequence homology
1. Amino acids
2. Peptides and the peptide bond
3. Proteins : polypeptides of defined sequences
4. From gene to protein
5. From gene sequence to protein function
6. Protein sequence homology
7 Chapter 5 – Introduction to Proteins: The Primary Level of Protein Structure 1. Amino acids
2. Peptides and the peptide bond
3. Proteins : polypeptides of defined sequences
4. From gene to protein
5. From gene sequence to protein function
6. Protein sequence homology
1. Amino acids
2. Peptides and the peptide bond
3. Proteins : polypeptides of defined sequences
4. From gene to protein
5. From gene sequence to protein function
6. Protein sequence homology
8 Midterm exam From Ch 1 to Ch 5 From Ch 1 to Ch 5  
9 Chapter 6 – The Three Dimensional Structure of Proteins 1. Secondary structure : regular ways to fold the polypeptide chain
2. Fibrous proteins: structural materials of cells and tissues
3. Globular Proteins: tertiary structure and functional diversity
4. Factors determining secondary and tertiary structure
5. Dynamics of globular protein structure
6. Prediction of secondary and tertiary structure
7. Quaternary structures of protein
1. Secondary structure : regular ways to fold the polypeptide chain
2. Fibrous proteins: structural materials of cells and tissues
3. Globular Proteins: tertiary structure and functional diversity
4. Factors determining secondary and tertiary structure
5. Dynamics of globular protein structure
6. Prediction of secondary and tertiary structure
7. Quaternary structures of protein
10 Chapter 7 – Protein Function and Evolution 7.8 Oxygen transport from Lungs to tissue: protein conformational change enhances function
7.9 The Oxygen binding sites in myoglobin and hemoglobin
7.10 The role of conformational change in Oxygen transport
7.11 Allosteric effectors of hemoglobin promote efficient oxygen delivery to tissues
7.12 Myoglobin and hemoglobin as examples of the evolution of protein function
7.13 Mechanism of protein mutation
7.14 Hemoglobin variants and their inheritance : genetic disease
7.8 Oxygen transport from Lungs to tissue: protein conformational change enhances function
7.9 The Oxygen binding sites in myoglobin and hemoglobin
7.10 The role of conformational change in Oxygen transport
7.11 Allosteric effectors of hemoglobin promote efficient oxygen delivery to tissues
7.12 Myoglobin and hemoglobin as examples of the evolution of protein function
7.13 Mechanism of protein mutation
7.14 Hemoglobin variants and their inheritance : genetic disease
11 Chapter 8 - Enzyme kinetics 1. Catalytic properties of enzyme
2. Enzyme kinetics
3. Enzyme inhibitor
4. Regulations
1. Catalytic properties of enzyme
2. Enzyme kinetics
3. Enzyme inhibitor
4. Regulations
12 Chapter 9 - Carbohydrate 1. Structure of carbohydrates
2. Properties Di-saccharides. oligo-saccharides
3. Polysaccharides
4. Glycoproteins
5. Cell wall structures
6. Functions of polysaccharides
1. Structure of carbohydrates
2. Properties Di-saccharides. oligo-saccharides
3. Polysaccharides
4. Glycoproteins
5. Cell wall structures
6. Functions of polysaccharides
13 Chapter 9 - Carbohydrate 1. Structure of carbohydrates
2. Properties Di-saccharides. oligo-saccharides
3. Polysaccharides
4. Glycoproteins
5. Cell wall structures
6. Functions of polysaccharides
1. Structure of carbohydrates
2. Properties Di-saccharides. oligo-saccharides
3. Polysaccharides
4. Glycoproteins
5. Cell wall structures
6. Functions of polysaccharides
14 Chapter 10 - Lipids 1. Structure of lipids
2. Fatty acids
3. phospholipids
1. Structure of lipids
2. Fatty acids
3. phospholipids
15 Chapter 10 - Biological membranes 1. Structure of bio-membranes
2. Functions of bio-membranes
3. Transport across membranes
1. Structure of bio-membranes
2. Functions of bio-membranes
3. Transport across membranes
16 Final examination From ch 10-15 From ch 10-15  

Teaching instructions
1 起:2024-01-01 迄:2024-01-12 2.非同步線上課程 Asynchronous online course Protein techniques An asynchronous online quiz at Tronclass

1.自編教材 Handout by Instructor:
■ 1-1.簡報 Slids
■ 1-2.影音教材 Videos
□ 1-3.教具 Teaching Aids
■ 1-4.教科書 Textbook
□ 1-5.其他 Other
□ 2.自編評量工具/量表 Educational Assessment
□ 3.教科書作者提供 Textbook

成績考核 Performance Evaluation: 期末考:30%   期中考:30%   其他評量:10%   彈性教學:10%   上機測驗:20%  

教學資源(Teaching Resources):
■ 教材電子檔(Soft Copy of the Handout or the Textbook)
□ 課程網站(Website)