課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | Metabolism an overview |
1. Freeways on the Metabolism Road Map
2. Biological Reaction Types
3. Some Bioenergetic Considaration
4. Major Metabolic control Mechanisms
5. Experimental Analysis of Metabolism |
瞭解生物代謝特徵, 反應型態, 及細胞內代謝之研究 |
2 | Carbohydrate Metabolism: Glycolysis |
1. Glycolysis
2. Reactions of Glycolysis
3. Metabolic fates of pyruvate
4. Energy and Electron Balance Sheets |
生物如何利用葡萄糖轉化為生物能量, 糖解反應及其代謝物產生之能量計算 |
3 | Carbohydrtaes Metabolism |
1. Gluconeogenesis
2. Coordinated Regulation of Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis
3. Entry of the Other Sugar into the Glycolytic Pathway |
糖再生反應, 糖解與再生之調控機制 |
4 | Carbohydrate Metabolism |
1. Polysaccharides metabolism
2. Glycogen metabolism in Liver and Muscle
3. Coordinated Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism
4. Biosynthesis of Other Polysaccharides
5. The Pentose Phosphate {athway |
多醣之利用, 肝醣在肝臟及肌肉之利用, 多醣之生合成, 葡萄糖的氧化代謝 |
5 | Citric Acid Cycle and Oxylate Cycle |
1. Overview of Pyruvate Oxidation and the Citric Acid Cycle
2. Pyruvate Oxidation
3. Coenzymes involved in Pyruvate Oxidation and the Citric Acid Cycle
4. The TCA
5. Regulation
6. Glyoxylate cycle |
Pyruvate 後續代謝, TCA 及Glyoxylate cycle |
6 | Electron transport, Oxidative phosphorylation, and Oxygen Metabolism |
1, Mitochondria
2. Oxidation and Energy Generation
3. Electron Transport
4. Oxidative Phosphorylation |
瞭解粒線體構造及功能, 電子鏈, 氧化磷酸化作用 |
7 | Electron transport, Oxidative phosphorylation, and Oxygen Metabolism |
1. Mitochondria Transport System
2. Energy Yield from Oxidative Metabolism
3. The Mitochondria Genome and Diseases
4. Mitochondria and Evolution
5. Oxygen Metabolism |
粒線體電子鏈的電子傳遞系統, 能量產生, 及其基因組與遺傳疾病.
氧當受質的利用. |
8 | 期中考 |
主要代謝途徑 |
測試學習狀況 |
9 | Lipid Metabolism I |
1. Fatty acids, TGs, Lipoproteins
2. Fatty Acid Oxidation
3. Fatty Acid Biosynthesis
4. Biosynthesis of TGs |
瞭解脂肪酸, 三酸甘油脂, 及脂蛋白之代謝, 脂肪酸氧化作用及脂肪酸再生作用 |
10 | Interorgan and intracellular Coordination of Energy Metabolism in Verterbrates |
1. Interdependence of the Major Organs in Vertebrates Fuel Metabolism
2. Hormorne Regulation of Fuel Metabolism
3. Response to Metabolic Stress: Starvation, Diabetes |
整體認識能量之調節與利用, 代謝壓力之反應:饑餓與糖尿病 |
11 | Lipid Metabolism II |
1. Steroid metabolism
2. Prostaglandings |
固醇類及前列腺素之代謝 |
12 | Metabolism of Nitrogenous Compounds I |
1. Ultilization of Inorganic Nitrogens
2. Ultilization of Ammonia
3. The Nitrogen Economy
4. Protein Turnover
5. Amino Acid degradation and Metabolism
6. Coenzymes involved in Nitrogen Metabolism |
含氮化合物之利用, 無機氮到氨摩尼亞, 氨基酸之代謝與生合成
以及蛋白質之代謝, 氨基酸分解物之分解代謝 |
13 | Metabolisn of Nitrogenous Compounds II |
1. Pathways of Amino ACid Degradation
2. Amino Acids as Bioeynthetic Precusors
3. Porphyrine and Heme Metabolism
4. Amino Acid Biosynthesis |
氨基酸分解路徑, 生合成前驅物, Porphyrine 及Heme 代謝 |
14 | Neucleotide Metabolism |
1. Outline of Neucleotide Metabolism
2. De Novo Biosynthesis of Purine Nucleotide
3. Purine degradation |
核甘酸之代謝, 普林之生合成 及代謝分姐 |
15 | Nucleotide Metabolism |
1. Pyrimidine Nucleotide Metabolism
2. Deoxyribonucleotide Biosynthesis and Metabolism
3. Thymidylate Synthase |
Pyrumidine nucleotide 的代謝, 去氧核糖甘之合成與代謝, 及Thymidylate的合成與藥物開發 |
16 | 期末考 |
含氮物質、脂肪代謝、 核甘酸代謝 |
測試學生對含氮物質、 脂肪及核苷酸代謝之綜合理解. |