課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | Introduction |
1. 課程說明
2. Mendelian View of Genes |
從遺傳到基因 |
2 | History |
1. DNA Carry Genetic Specificity
2. Nucleic Acids convey genetic information
3. Estabilishing the Directionof Protein Synthesis |
遺傳歷史到近代基因技術 |
3 | Structure and Study of Marcromolecules |
1. Weak and Strong Chemical Bonds
2. The Structure of DNA
3. The Structure of RNA |
生物分子間之鍵結及自由能在化學反應之應用, DNA及RNA之結構 |
4 | Structure and Study of Macromolecules |
1. The Structure of Proteins
2. Thecniques of Molecular Biology |
介紹蛋白質r及分子生物研究相關實驗方法 |
5 | Maintance of the Genome |
Genome Structure, Chromatin, and teh Nucleosome |
染色體, 染色質體之結構及功能 |
6 | The Replication of DNA |
1. The Chemistry of DNA Synthesis
2. The Mechanism of DNA Polymerase
3. The Replication Fork
4. The Specilization of DNA Polymerases |
DNA複製作用, DNA Pol, 複製機制之瞭解 |
7 | The Replication of DNA |
5. DNA Synthesis at the REplication Fork
6. Iniciation of DNA Replication
7. Binding and Unwinding Related Proteins
8. Finishing Replication |
DNA 複製機制之解析, 三階段之說明 |
8 | DNA Repair and Recombination |
1. DNA Damage and Reair
2. Homologous Recombination |
DNA 突變, 修補, 及重組 |
9 | 期中考 |
從第二十一章到第二十三章 |
測試學生對授課內容之理解 |
10 | Mechanism of Transcription |
RNA Polymerase and The Transcription Cycle |
RNA Polymerase and The Transcription Cycle |
11 | Expression of The Genome |
1. RNA splicing |
RNA splicing |
12 | Expression of The Genome |
Translation |
Translation |
13 | Regulation |
Transcriptional Regulation in Prokaryotes |
Transcriptional Regulation in Prokaryotes |
14 | Regulation |
Translational Regulation in Eukaryotes |
Translational Regulation in Eukaryotes |
15 | 期末考 |
以轉錄機制, RNA splicing, 轉譯, 基因秘碼, 及轉錄調控為主 |
測試學生對基因表現及調控之理解程度 |
16 | 彈性教學週 |
經由整學期學習的分子生物技術進行雜誌專書研讀於工農醫等各領域之應用 |
糾正經由整學期學習的分子生物技術進行雜誌專書研讀於工農醫等各領域之應用觀念,提升學習成效 |
討論 心得發表 閱讀討論