課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | Composite materials (複合材料) |
1. Particle-reinforced composites
2. Fiber-reinforced composites
3. Structural composites |
Understanding the basics of composite materials |
2 | Electrical properties (電性質) |
1. Electrical conduction
2. Semiconductivity |
Understanding the basics of Electrical conduction |
3 | Electrical properties (電性質) |
1.Factors that affect carrier mobility and concentration
2. Semiconductor devices |
Understanding the semiconductivity |
4 | Electrical properties (電性質) |
1. Semiconductivity
2. Electrical conduction in ionic ceramics and in polymers |
Understanding the Semiconductivity |
5 | Electrical properties (電性質) |
1. Dielectric behavior
2. Ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity |
Understanding the Dielectric behavior, ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity |
6 | Thermal properties (熱性質) |
1. Heat capactity
2. Thermal expansion
3. Thermal conductivity
4. Thermal stresses |
Understanding the thermal properties of materials |
7 | Thermal properties (熱性質) |
Thermal properties (熱性質) |
Thermal properties (熱性質) |
8 | 期中考 |
期中考 |
期中考 |
9 | Thermal properties (熱性質) |
Thermal properties (熱性質) |
Thermal properties (熱性質) |
10 | magnetic properties (磁性質) |
1.Basic concepts
2.Diamagnetism & paramagnetism
3.Ferro-, antiferro-, and ferrimagnetism |
Understanding the magnetic properties |
11 | Magnetic properties (磁性質) |
1. Temperature effect
2. Domain & hysteresis
3. Magnetic anisotropy |
Understanding the magnetic properties |
12 | Magnetic properties (磁性質) |
1. Soft & Hard magnets
2. Magnetic storage
3. Superconductivity |
Understanding the magnetic properties |
13 | Econmic, Environmental, and Societal Issues |
Econmic, Environmental, and Societal Issues |
Understanding the econmic, environmental, and societal issues in materials science and engineering |
14 | Optical properties (光學性質) |
1. Basic concepts
2. Optical properties of metals |
Understanding the optical properties of metals |
15 | Optical properties (光學性質) |
1. Optical properties of nonmetals |
Understanding the optical properties of nonmetals |
16 | 期末考 |
期末考 |
期末考 |
17 | 彈性教學週 |
彈性教學週 |
彈性教學週 |
18 | 彈性教學週 |
彈性教學週 |
彈性教學週 |