課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | defects |
ch7 vancies |
Understand the themodynamics of vacancies. |
2 | ch 9 solid solutions |
types of solid solution, intermediate phases, intestitial solid solution, subsitutional solid solution, intraction of dislocations and solute atoms. |
了解固溶體之種類、與機械性質之影響。 |
3 | ch9 solid solutions |
The drag of dislocation atomosphere on moving dislocations, the sharp yield point and Luder bands, strain aging, dynamic strain aging. |
固溶體與機械性質之影響。 |
4 | grain boundaries |
freedom degrees of grain boundaries, LEDS,dynamic recovery, Hall-Petch reation, grain size, coincidence-site lattices. |
瞭解晶界形成及如何影響機械性質。 |
5 | ch 8 annealing |
stored energy of cold work, recovery, recrystallization, grain growth, grain size effect. |
了解退火對組織變化及機械性質之影響。 |
6 | ch 8 annealing |
stored energy of cold work, recovery, recrystallization, grain growth, grain size effect. |
了解退火對組織變化及機械性質之影響。 |
7 | Phases and phase diagrams |
isomorphous alloy systems, the lever rule, graphical determinations of partial-molal free energies. |
了解何謂相(phase)、相l律(phase rule)。 |
8 | binary phase diagrams |
isomorphous alloy systems, equilibrium heating or cooling, superlattices, miscibility gaps, eutectic, eutectoid, peritectic, monotectic reactions. |
了解二元相圖之相關現象。 |
9 | 期中考 |
期中考 |
期中考 |
10 | diffusion in substitutional solid solutions |
diffusion in an ideal solution, Kirkendall effect, Darken's equations, Fick's second law, matano Method. |
了解理想固溶體擴散、取代式固溶體之擴散原理、Matano 實驗計算擴散係數。 |
11 | diffusion in substitutional solid solutions |
intrinsic diffusivities, self-diffusion in pure metals, diffusion in non-isomorphic alloy systems. |
了解不同型態 (純金屬、稀薄固溶體、一般成分合金) 擴散係數計算。 |
12 | interstitial diffusion |
Snock effect, relaxation time, anelastic measurement. |
學習插入式固溶體之擴散係數如何計算。 |
13 | nucleation and growth kinetics |
nucleation of a liquid fromthe vapor, freezing, solid-state reactions, diffusion -controlled growth |
學習氣、 液、固三相間不同像變態之機構及原理。 |
14 | nucleation an growth kinetics |
heterogeneous nucleation, growth kinetics, interface controlled growth. |
學習異質成核、界面控制相成長機制及加熱成長機構。 |
15 | solidification of metals |
continuous growth, lateral growth, stable interface freezing, dentritic growth in pure metals,freezing in alloys with planar interface. |
學習金屬凝固基本原理。 |
16 | solidification of metals |
crystal growth from the liquid phase, the heats of fusion ans vaporization, The nature of the liquid-solid interface. |
學習金屬凝固基本原理。 |
17 | solidification of metals |
the Scheil equation, dentritic freezing in alloys, freezing of ingots, homogenization, inverse segregation, porosity, eutectic freezing. |
學習金屬凝固基本原理,進階了解金屬鑄造時之缺陷型態及如何避免或熱處理降低其機械強度損害程度。 |
上課態度 |
18 | 期末考 |
期末考 |
期末考 |