教學大綱表 (112學年度 第2學期)
Course Title
(中文) 材料機械性質
(英文) Mechanical Properties
Course No.
3.0 必/選修
core required/optional
選修 開課年級
先修科目或先備能力(Course Pre-requisites):材料導論
課程概述與目標(Course Overview and Goals): This course is designed for junior or senior students majored in materials science and engineering to provide them an introductory treatment of the mechanical behaviors of materials with a balanced mechanics and materials approach. The theme of this course is to study the elasticity, plasticity, fracture and fatigue of materials from atomic- and microstructural view points.
教科書(Textbook) Meyer and Chawla, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Prentice Hall.
參考教材(Reference) Nowman Dowling, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Prentice Hall.
Thomas Courtney, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, McGraw-Hill.
課程大綱 Syllabus 學生學習目標
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities

Unit topic
Content summary
1 Chapter 1 Structure, Properties and Performance A.Introduction
B.Average Tensile Stress and Strain
C.Stress- Strain Behavior
D.Atomic structures
F.Performance of typical materials
G.Theoretical tensile strength of a crystal
H.Theoretical shear stress
B.Average Tensile Stress and Strain
C.Stress- Strain Behavior
D.Atomic structures
F.Performance of typical materials
G.Theoretical tensile strength of a crystal
H.Theoretical shear stress
2 Chapter 2 Elasticity A.State of stress at a point in an arbitrary orthogonal coordinate
B.The stress state in a specific principal axis coordinate system
C.Transformation of the stress components
D.Principal stresses
A.State of stress at a point in an arbitrary orthogonal coordinate
B.The stress state in a specific principal axis coordinate system
C.Transformation of the stress components
D.Principal stresses
3 Chapter 2 Elasticity E.Maximum shear stress
F.Mohr's circle in a σ versus τ
G.Principal strains and max shear strain
H.Mohr's circle of strain
E.Maximum shear stress
F.Mohr's circle in a σ versus τ
G.Principal strains and max shear strain
H.Mohr's circle of strain
4 Chapter 2 Elasticity I.Elastic stress-strain relations for isotropic polycrystalline materials
J.Relationship between G and E
K.Elastic stress- strain relations
L.The elastic properties of metals, ceramics and polymers
I.Elastic stress-strain relations for isotropic polycrystalline materials
J.Relationship between G and E
K.Elastic stress- strain relations
L.The elastic properties of metals, ceramics and polymers
5 Chapter 3 Plasticity A. Engineering stress-strain curve versus true stress-strain curve
B. Qualitative stress-strain behavior
C. True stress-strain curve showing work-hardening
A. Engineering stress-strain curve versus true stress-strain curve
B. Qualitative stress-strain behavior
C. True stress-strain curve showing work-hardening
6 Chapter 3 Plasticity D. Yielding criteria for metals
E. Plastic deformation of polymers
D. Yielding criteria for metals
E. Plastic deformation of polymers
7 Chapter 4 Imperfections: Point and Line Defects A. The nature of plastic deformation by slip
B. Type of point defects and their influence on the mechanical property
A. The nature of plastic deformation by slip
B. Type of point defects and their influence on the mechanical property
8 Chapter 4 Imperfections: Point and Line Defects C. Types of dislocation and their geometry
D. Stress fields and strain energy of dislocation
C. Types of dislocation and their geometry
D. Stress fields and strain energy of dislocation
9 期中考 考試範圍為前半學期之授課內容 考試範圍為前半學期之授課內容  
10 Chapter 4 Imperfections: Point and Line Defects E. Deformation produced by motion of dislocation
F. Dislocation multiplication
E. Deformation produced by motion of dislocation
F. Dislocation multiplication
11 Chapter 4 Imperfections: Point and Line Defects G. Force on dislocations
H. Dislocations in various structures
G. Force on dislocations
H. Dislocations in various structures
12 Chapter 5 Strengthening in Crystalline Materials A. Work Hardening A. Work Hardening  
13 Chapter 5 Strengthening in Crystalline Materials B. Fine Grain Strengthening B. Fine Grain Strengthening  
14 Chapter 5 Strengthening in Crystalline Materials C. Solid Solution Strengthening C. Solid Solution Strengthening  
15 Chapter 5 Strengthening in Crystalline Materials D. Precipitation - and Dispersion-Hardening D. Precipitation - and Dispersion-Hardening  
16 Chapter 6 Mechanisms and Morphologies Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Ductile and Brittle Fracture
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Ductile and Brittle Fracture
17 Chapter 6 Mechanisms and Morphologies Ⅲ. Fatigue
Ⅳ. Fractograghic Examination
Ⅲ. Fatigue
Ⅳ. Fractograghic Examination
18 期末考 考試範圍為後半學期之授課內容 考試範圍為後半學期之授課內容  

1.自編教材 Handout by Instructor:
□ 1-1.簡報 Slids
□ 1-2.影音教材 Videos
□ 1-3.教具 Teaching Aids
■ 1-4.教科書 Textbook
■ 1-5.其他 Other
□ 2.自編評量工具/量表 Educational Assessment
□ 3.教科書作者提供 Textbook

成績考核 Performance Evaluation: 期末考:15%   期中考:15%   其他評量:15%   平時考:30%   作業:25%  

教學資源(Teaching Resources):
■ 教材電子檔(Soft Copy of the Handout or the Textbook)
■ 課程網站(Website)
課程網站(Website):Web Hard-disk 2 under "T3150”.