教學大綱表 (113學年度 第1學期)
Course Title
(中文) 材料電子特性
(英文) Electronic Properties Of Materials
Course No.
3.0 必/選修
core required/optional
選修 開課年級
先修科目或先備能力(Course Pre-requisites):
課程概述與目標(Course Overview and Goals):介紹各種材料的電子相關特性,從最基本的材料組成元素所展現的
教科書(Textbook) 作者:S. O. Kasap 書名:Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices
出版社:McGraw-Hill 出版年:2006 ISBN 007-124458-1
參考教材(Reference) 材料電子學
課程大綱 Syllabus 學生學習目標
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities

Unit topic
Content summary
1 Elementary Materials Science Concepts 1. Atomic structure and atomic number
2. Atomic mass and mole
3. Bonding and types of solids
4. Kinetic molecular theory
1. Atomic structure and atomic number
2. Atomic mass and mole
3. Bonding and types of solids
4. Kinetic molecular theory
2 Elementary Materials Science Concepts 1. Atomic structure and atomic number
2. Atomic mass and mole
3. Bonding and types of solids
4. Kinetic molecular theory
1. Atomic structure and atomic number
2. Atomic mass and mole
3. Bonding and types of solids
4. Kinetic molecular theory
3 Electrical and Thermal Conduction in Solids 1. Classical Theory
2. Temperature Dependence of Resistivity
3.Matthiessen's and Nordheim's Rules
4.Resistivity of Mixtures and Porous Materials
1. Classical Theory
2. Temperature Dependence of Resistivity
3.Matthiessen's and Nordheim's Rules
4.Resistivity of Mixtures and Porous Materials
4 Electrical and Thermal Conduction in Solids 1. Classical Theory
2. Temperature Dependence of Resistivity
3.Matthiessen's and Nordheim's Rules
4.Resistivity of Mixtures and Porous Materials
1. Classical Theory
2. Temperature Dependence of Resistivity
3.Matthiessen's and Nordheim's Rules
4.Resistivity of Mixtures and Porous Materials
5 Elementary Quantum Physics 1. Photons
2. The Electron as a Wave
3. Infinite Potential Well: A Confined Electron
4. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
1. Photons
2. The Electron as a Wave
3. Infinite Potential Well: A Confined Electron
4. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
6 Elementary Quantum Physics 1. Photons
2. The Electron as a Wave
3. Infinite Potential Well: A Confined Electron
4. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
1. Photons
2. The Electron as a Wave
3. Infinite Potential Well: A Confined Electron
4. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
7 Modern Theory of Solids 1. Hydrogen Molecule
2. Band Theory of Solids
3. Semiconductors
4. Electron Effective Mass
1. Hydrogen Molecule
2. Band Theory of Solids
3. Semiconductors
4. Electron Effective Mass
8 Modern Theory of Solids 1. Hydrogen Molecule
2. Band Theory of Solids
3. Semiconductors
4. Electron Effective Mass
1. Hydrogen Molecule
2. Band Theory of Solids
3. Semiconductors
4. Electron Effective Mass
9 Modern Theory of Solids 1. Hydrogen Molecule
2. Band Theory of Solids
3. Semiconductors
4. Electron Effective Mass
1. Hydrogen Molecule
2. Band Theory of Solids
3. Semiconductors
4. Electron Effective Mass
10 Modern Theory of Solids 1. Hydrogen Molecule
2. Band Theory of Solids
3. Semiconductors
4. Electron Effective Mass
1. Hydrogen Molecule
2. Band Theory of Solids
3. Semiconductors
4. Electron Effective Mass
11 期中測驗 期中測驗 期中測驗  
12 Semiconductors 1. Intrinsic Semiconductors
2. Exriinsic Semiconductors
3. Temperature Dependence
4. Reconbination and Minority Carrier Injection
1. Intrinsic Semiconductors
2. Exriinsic Semiconductors
3. Temperature Dependence
4. Reconbination and Minority Carrier Injection
13 Semiconductors 1. Intrinsic Semiconductors
2. Exriinsic Semiconductors
3. Temperature Dependence
4. Reconbination and Minority Carrier Injection
1. Intrinsic Semiconductors
2. Exriinsic Semiconductors
3. Temperature Dependence
4. Reconbination and Minority Carrier Injection
14 Semiconductors 1. Intrinsic Semiconductors
2. Exriinsic Semiconductors
3. Temperature Dependence
4. Reconbination and Minority Carrier Injection
1. Intrinsic Semiconductors
2. Exriinsic Semiconductors
3. Temperature Dependence
4. Reconbination and Minority Carrier Injection
15 Semiconductors 1. Intrinsic Semiconductors
2. Exriinsic Semiconductors
3. Temperature Dependence
4. Reconbination and Minority Carrier Injection
1. Intrinsic Semiconductors
2. Exriinsic Semiconductors
3. Temperature Dependence
4. Reconbination and Minority Carrier Injection
16 Semiconductor Devices 1. Ideal pn Junction
2. pn Junction Band Diagram
3. Depletion Layer Capacitance of the pn Junction
4. Diffusion Capacitance and Dynamic Resistance
1. Ideal pn Junction
2. pn Junction Band Diagram
3. Depletion Layer Capacitance of the pn Junction
4. Diffusion Capacitance and Dynamic Resistance
17 Semiconductor Devices 1. Ideal pn Junction
2. pn Junction Band Diagram
3. Depletion Layer Capacitance of the pn Junction
4. Diffusion Capacitance and Dynamic Resistance
1. Ideal pn Junction
2. pn Junction Band Diagram
3. Depletion Layer Capacitance of the pn Junction
4. Diffusion Capacitance and Dynamic Resistance
18 期末測驗 期末測驗 期末測驗  

1.自編教材 Handout by Instructor:
□ 1-1.簡報 Slids
□ 1-2.影音教材 Videos
□ 1-3.教具 Teaching Aids
□ 1-4.教科書 Textbook
□ 1-5.其他 Other
□ 2.自編評量工具/量表 Educational Assessment
□ 3.教科書作者提供 Textbook

成績考核 Performance Evaluation:

教學資源(Teaching Resources):
□ 教材電子檔(Soft Copy of the Handout or the Textbook)
□ 課程網站(Website)