課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | Introduction 簡介 |
introduction to the course outline and learning objectives |
understanding the purpose of this course |
2 | Surface chemistry 表面化學 |
1. Surface chemistry
2. Wetting/capillary force |
3.能說明毛細現象與表面化學的關係 |
3 | Powder fabrication 粉末製備 I |
1. Common raw materials
2. Special inorganic chemicals |
2. 故態反應法 |
4 | Powder fabrication 粉末製備 II |
describe the processing of special inorganic materials |
了解陶瓷粉末的特殊製程, 例如 sol-gel, co-precipitation, solvent evaporation 等 |
5 | Beneficiation process 粉末成型前處理 |
1. Communition
2. Batching and mixing
3. Granulation |
了解粉末成型前處理的各種步驟(球磨、混合等)及其相關的注意事項 |
6 | powder characterizations 粉末特性及量測 I |
1. particle size
2. density
3. phase composition |
能列舉重要的粉末特性(粒度、密度、相組成)及其量測方法 |
7 | powder characterizations 粉末特性及量測 II |
1. surface area of powder
3. pore size analysis |
能列舉重要的粉末特性(比表面積、孔隙度)及其量測方法 |
8 | 期中考 |
測驗開學以來的學習內容 |
熟悉、理解開學以來的學習內容 |
9 | Suspension behavior 漿料特性 I |
1. Charging developing mechanism
2. Electrical double layer |
2.知道改變電雙層厚度的方法 |
10 | Suspension behavior 漿料特性 II |
1. Dispersion and flocculation |
1.了解漿料分散與聚集的差異 |
11 | Suspension behavior 漿料特性 III |
DLVO theory |
了解DLVO理論與粉末分散的關聯 |
12 | Suspension behavior 漿料特性 IV |
suspension rheology |
了解漿料流變特性及其與漿料分散性的關係 |
13 | Suspension behavior 漿料特性 V |
DLVO theory and dispersion |
understanding the relationship between DLVO theory and dispersion |
14 | Forming process 成型方法 I |
1. Pressing
2. Casting (slip, tape) |
了解陶瓷的成型方法、生胚缺陷及其相關注意事項 |
15 | Forming process 成型方法 II |
1. Injection molding
2. Plastic forming processes (extrusion) |
了解陶瓷的成型方法、生胚缺陷及其相關注意事項 |
16 | Additives 添加劑 |
polymer additives and its function |
了解濕式製程添加物的種類及功用 |
17 | Summary and supplement materials 總結與補充 |
summary of the course |
review of the course materials of this semester |
18 | final exam |
test of the course materials after midterm exam |
測驗期中考以後的課程內容 |