課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | I. Optical Microscopy |
I. Optical Microscopy |
I. Optical Microscopy |
2 | II. Scanning Electron Microscopy |
II. Scanning Electron Microscopy |
II. Scanning Electron Microscopy |
3 | III. Special Techniques |
A. Acoustic & Thermal Wave image
B. Field-electron and field-ion emission
- Field-electron microscopy
- Field-ion emission and field-ion desorption microscopy and the atom probe |
A. Acoustic & Thermal Wave image
B. Field-electron and field-ion emission
- Field-electron microscopy
- Field-ion emission and field-ion desorption microscopy and the atom probe |
4 | III. Special Techniques |
C. Photo-induced radiation
- X-ray microscopy and X-ray topography
- Fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy
D. Photo-electron emission
- Photo-electron emission microscopy
- Photo-electron spectroscopy
- Field-ion emission and field-ion desorption microscopy and the atom probe |
C. Photo-induced radiation
- X-ray microscopy and X-ray topography
- Fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy
D. Photo-electron emission
- Photo-electron emission microscopy
- Photo-electron spectroscopy
- Field-ion emission and field-ion desorption microscopy and the atom probe |
5 | III. Special Techniques |
C. Photo-induced radiation
- X-ray microscopy and X-ray topography
- Fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy
D. Photo-electron emission
- Photo-electron emission microscopy
- Photo-electron spectroscopy
- Field-ion emission and field-ion desorption microscopy and the atom probe |
C. Photo-induced radiation
- X-ray microscopy and X-ray topography
- Fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy
D. Photo-electron emission
- Photo-electron emission microscopy
- Photo-electron spectroscopy
- Field-ion emission and field-ion desorption microscopy and the atom probe |
6 | IV. Electrons and Ions Stimulation |
A. Electron-beam and ion-induced radiation
- X-ray Mapping
- Energy- and Wavelength-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS and WDS)
- Cathodoluminescence
- Ion- and proton-induced X-ray emission
B. Electron-electron interaction
- Auger-electron microscopy and spectroscopy (AEM and AES)
- Low- and high-energy electron diffraction (LEED and HEED) |
A. Electron-beam and ion-induced radiation
- X-ray Mapping
- Energy- and Wavelength-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS and WDS)
- Cathodoluminescence
- Ion- and proton-induced X-ray emission
B. Electron-electron interaction
- Auger-electron microscopy and spectroscopy (AEM and AES)
- Low- and high-energy electron diffraction (LEED and HEED) |
7 | IV. Electrons and Ions Stimulation |
A. Electron-beam and ion-induced radiation
- X-ray Mapping
- Energy- and Wavelength-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS and WDS)
- Cathodoluminescence
- Ion- and proton-induced X-ray emission
B. Electron-electron interaction
- Auger-electron microscopy and spectroscopy (AEM and AES)
- Low- and high-energy electron diffraction (LEED and HEED) |
A. Electron-beam and ion-induced radiation
- X-ray Mapping
- Energy- and Wavelength-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS and WDS)
- Cathodoluminescence
- Ion- and proton-induced X-ray emission
B. Electron-electron interaction
- Auger-electron microscopy and spectroscopy (AEM and AES)
- Low- and high-energy electron diffraction (LEED and HEED) |
8 | IV. Electrons and Ions Stimulation |
C. Scanning Probe Miocroscopy
- History of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Atomic Force microscopy
- MFM, NFOM, etc. |
C. Scanning Probe Miocroscopy
- History of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Atomic Force microscopy
- MFM, NFOM, etc. |
9 | 期中考 |
I-IV.C章 |
期中評量 |
10 | IV. Electrons and Ions Stimulation |
D. Ion Microscopy
- Ion-Scattering Spectroscopy
- Secondary-Ion Mass Spectroscopy |
D. Ion Microscopy
- Ion-Scattering Spectroscopy
- Secondary-Ion Mass Spectroscopy |
11 | V. Pohotos Sitimulation |
A. Photo-induced radiation |
A. Photo-induced radiation |
12 | V. Pohotos Sitimulation |
B. Photo-electron emission |
B. Photo-electron emission |
13 | V. Pohotos Sitimulation |
C. Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Analysis |
C. Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Analysis |
14 | V. Pohotos Sitimulation |
-Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) |
-Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) |
15 | V. Pohotos Sitimulation |
-Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) |
-Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) |
16 | V. Pohotos Sitimulation |
-Photoemission Spectroscopy |
-Photoemission Spectroscopy |
17 | V. Pohotos Sitimulation |
-Neutron Scattering |
-Neutron Scattering |
18 | 期末考 |
IV.CV章 |
期末評量 |