教學大綱表 (111學年度 第2學期)
Course Title
(中文) 高等腐蝕學
(英文) Advanced Corrosion Science
Course No.
3.0 必/選修
core required/optional
選修 開課年級
先修科目或先備能力(Course Pre-requisites):材料科學導論及電化學
課程概述與目標(Course Overview and Goals):腐蝕乃特指金屬材料在特定環境下與環境中某些化學物反應形成更穩定之產物 (氧化物或氫氧化物) 之過程或結果。本課程除介紹腐蝕之基本定義、普遍存在之型式及結果外,並闡述造成此結果之機構、熱力學及動力學。進而學習相關防治手段,應用於降低腐蝕對日常生活中相關金屬製品之損害。
教科書(Textbook) Alec Groysman
Corrosion for Everybody
ISBN: 978-90-481-3477-9 (Online)
參考教材(Reference) R. Winston Revie and Herbert H. Uhlig
Corrosion and Corrosion Control (4th Edition)
圖書館電子書(E-book of the Library) Zaki Ahmad
Principles of Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion Control
ISBN: 978-0-7506-5924-6
課程大綱 Syllabus 學生學習目標
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities

Unit topic
Content summary
1 Introduction to Corrosion Definitions, corrosive environment, consequences of corrosion, corrosion science and corrosion engineering, inter-disciplinary nature of corrosion, functional aspects of corrosion and five good reasons to study corrosion Definitions, inter-disciplinary nature of corrosion, and five good reasons to study corrosion 實驗分組,各分組針對各自腐蝕型態之腐蝕速率量測方式提出實驗設計,內容討論截止日: 112/03/11。  
2 Basic Concepts in Corrosion The formation of a corrosion cell is essential for corrosion to take place. A corrosion cell is essentially comprised of the following four components: anode, cathode, electrolyte, and metallic path. All metals have characteristic electrode potentials. They can be measured with respect to a standard electrode, such as Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE). Corrosion cell: anode, cathode, electrolyte, and metallic path  
3 Types of Corrosion: Materials and Environments This chapter discusses various forms of corrosion with remedial measures. Some of them are: uniform corrosion, galvanic corrosion, dezincfication, crevice, and pitting corrosion. In the chapter, each form of corrosion is discussed by definition, environment, mechanism, and methods of prevention. The factors affecting corrosion are also discussed in the chapter. To realize various forms of corrosion by definition, environment and mechanism and then to study the methods of prevention. 實驗設計內容討論截止日: 112/03/11  
4 Corrosion Kinetics This chapter discusses the kinetics of corrosion, which including Faraday's laws of electrolysis and its application in determining the corrosion rate. Faraday's laws of electrolysis and its application in determining the corrosion rate  
5 Corrosion Kinetics This chapter discusses the kinetics of corrosion, which including Faraday's laws of electrolysis and its application in determining the corrosion rate. Faraday's laws of electrolysis and its application in determining the corrosion rate  
6 分組實驗內容報告 (1) 各分組針對各自腐蝕型態之腐蝕速率量測方式提出實驗設計及初步成果,並製作投影片做報告 (每人15 min.)。師生討論。 各分組針對各自腐蝕型態之腐蝕速率量測方式提出實驗設計及初步成果,接受質疑、回答質問或提出修正方案。 報告 (1): 112/03/25  
7 分組實驗內容報告 (1) 續 各分組針對各自腐蝕型態之腐蝕速率量測方式提出實驗設計及初步成果,並製作投影片做報告 (每人15 min.)。師生討論。 各分組針對各自腐蝕型態之腐蝕速率量測方式提出實驗設計及初步成果,接受質疑、回答質問或提出修正方案。 報告 (1) 續: 112/04/01  
8 小考及作業 小考及作業 小考及作業 112/04/08  
9 期中考 期中考 期中考 112/04/15~20  
10 Cathodic Protection The chapter illustrates the simple principle of cathodic protection. On application of an external current, the difference of potential between the cathodes and anodes on the structure decreases. It also discusses factors leading to corrosion of underground metallic structures. It discusses the various components of galvanic systems, impressed current systems, AC/DC systems, and a rectifier. Some commercial specifications and details of zinc anodes are appended to this chapter.  
11 Corrosion Control by Inhibition The practice of corrosion prevention by adding substances, which can significantly retard corrosion when added in small amounts, is called inhibition.There are two major classes of inhibitors: inorganic and organic. Inhibitors can also be classified on the basis of their functions. The effect of inhibitor on the metal/electrolyte system can be successfully evaluated by polarization diagrams. There are three well-known inhibitor application techniques—continuous injection, batch treatment, and squeeze treatment.  
12 Coatings Coatings can be classified in the following categories according to their corrosion resistance: barrier coatings, conversion coatings, anodic coatings, and cathodic coatings. Miscellaneous coatings include glass coatings, porcelain coatings, and high-temperature coatings. This chapter discusses coating processes. Coating and paint technologies adapt to environmental requirements. The development of water-borne coatings and solvent-free coatings signify new health and safety trends in coating technology. 鍍膜實驗觀摩  
13 Corrosion Prevention by Design This chapter discusses how corrosion can be prevented by adopting good design practices. Selection of a corrosion-resistant material for the environment is a prerequisite to a good design. Material and design are both complimentary to each other and neither of the two can be ignored. This chapter discusses how corrosion can be prevented by adopting good design practices. Selection of a corrosion-resistant material for the environment is a prerequisite to a good design.  
14 Materials Selection for Corrosive Environment The selection of appropriate materials in a given environment is a key factor for corrosion control strategy. The material selected has to meet the criteria for mechanical strength, corrosion, and erosion resistance for specific service conditions. The selection of appropriate materials in a given environment is a key factor for corrosion control strategy. This chapter teaches the knowledge of corrosion resistance of a material in a given environment.  
15 分組實驗內容報告 (2-1) 各分組針對各自防治腐蝕鍍膜之設計及鍍膜前後之腐蝕速率量測值提出成果報告 (每組 80 min.)。 各分組針對各自防治腐蝕鍍膜之設計及後續成效,接受質疑、回答質問或提出修正方案。 報告(2-1): 112/05/27  
16 分組實驗內容報告 (2-2) 各分組針對各自防治腐蝕鍍膜之設計及鍍膜前後之腐蝕速率量測值提出成果報告 (每組 80 min.)。 各分組針對各自防治腐蝕鍍膜之設計及後續成效,接受質疑、回答質問或提出修正方案。 報告(2-2): 112/06/03  
17 小考及作業 小考及作業 小考及作業 112/06/10  
18 期末考 期末考 期末考 112/06/17~22  

1.自編教材 Handout by Instructor:
□ 1-1.簡報 Slids
□ 1-2.影音教材 Videos
□ 1-3.教具 Teaching Aids
□ 1-4.教科書 Textbook
□ 1-5.其他 Other
□ 2.自編評量工具/量表 Educational Assessment
□ 3.教科書作者提供 Textbook

成績考核 Performance Evaluation: 期末考:20%   期中考:20%   實驗:20%   報告:20%   平時考:10%   作業:10%  

教學資源(Teaching Resources):
□ 教材電子檔(Soft Copy of the Handout or the Textbook)
□ 課程網站(Website)