課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | Introduction of Interconnect technology |
Interconnect technology 之介紹 |
了解 Interconnect technology |
2 | Introduction of Interconnect technology |
Interconnect technology 之介紹 |
了解 Interconnect technology |
3 | High Speed vs. High Frequency |
1. Fourier Concept
2. Electromagnetic Effect by High-Speen signal |
了解高速與高頻在工程上的互異,與瞭解相關的電磁效應 |
4 | High Speed vs. High Frequency |
1. Fourier Concept
2. Electromagnetic Effect by High-Speen signal |
了解高速與高頻在工程上的互異,與瞭解相關的電磁效應 |
5 | Review of Transmission Line |
1. Review of Transmission Line
2. Lumped-Circuit vs. Distributed Circuit
3. Realization of Transmission Line |
複習傳輸線概念與傳輸線實務與設計 |
6 | Review of Transmission Line |
1. Review of Transmission Line
2. Lumped-Circuit vs. Distributed Circuit
3. Realization of Transmission Line |
複習傳輸線概念與傳輸線實務與設計 |
7 | TDR measurement technology |
1. TDR concept
2. Understanding TDR practice |
了解 TDR 實務 |
8 | EM Simulation Technology |
1. Undestanding Numerical method
2. Understanding EM simulation tools |
學習電磁模擬技術 |
9 | EM Simulation Technology |
Design differential transmission line on PCB |
學習電磁模擬技術與差動傳輸線設計 |
10 | Realization of Differential Transmission Line |
Realization differential transmission line on PCB |
學習電磁模擬技術與差動傳輸線設計 |
11 | TDR measurement of Transmission Line |
1. Learn to use TDR
2. Evaluation of Line impedance |
TDR 使用與線阻抗評估 |
12 | Concept of Circuit Parameters |
Understanding different circuit parameters |
學習了解電路參數 |
13 | S-parameters and calibration |
1. The concept of S-parameters
2. Understanding Network Analyzer |
了解 S 參數
了解網路分析儀之使用 |
14 | Practice of S parameter measurement |
1. Practice of calibration technique
2. Practice of Network Analyzer
3. Practice of S-parameters measurement |
1. Practice of calibration technique
2. Practice of Network Analyzer
3. Practice of S-parameters measurement |
15 | Measurement of Eye diagram |
1. Concept of Dispersion
2. Concept of Eye Diagram Measurement |
了解眼圖之測量技術 |
16 | Measurement of Eye diagram |
1. Concept of Dispersion
2. Concept of Eye Diagram Measurement |
了解眼圖之測量技術 |
17 | 期末文獻報告 |
期末文獻報告 |
期末文獻報告 |
18 | 期末文獻報告 |
期末文獻報告 |
期末文獻報告 |