課程大綱 Syllabus |
學生學習目標 Learning Objectives |
單元學習活動 Learning Activities |
學習成效評量 Evaluation |
備註 Notes |
序 No. | 單元主題 Unit topic |
內容綱要 Content summary |
1 | Introduction to Electrical Engineering |
1. Introduction to Electrical Engineering
2. Brief history of Electrical Engineering
3. System of Unit |
本單元章節簡介電機工程 |
2 | Fundamentals of Electric Circuits |
1. Charge, Current, and Kirchhoff's Current Law
2. Voltage and Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
3. Ideal/Dependent Voltage and Current Sources
4. Electric Power and Sign Convention
5. Circuit Elements and Their i-v Characteristics |
本單元章節可以讓學生學習到電路的基本元素-- 電流、電壓、電源及相關的科西荷夫定理' |
3 | Fundamentals of Electric Circuits |
1. Resistance and Ohm's Law
2. Open and Short Circuits
3. Series Resistors and the Voltage Divider Rule
4. Parallel Resistors and the Current Divider Rule
5. Practical Voltage and Current Sources
6. Measuring Devices |
本單元章節可以讓學生學習到電阻元件、串並聯、分壓分流定理及開路短路定義 |
4 | Fundamentals of Electric Circuits |
1. Electrical Networks -- Branch、Node、Loop、Mesh
2. Network Analysis |
本單元章節可以讓學生學習到電路元素及簡單分析方法 |
5 | Resistive Network Analysis |
1. The Node Voltage Method
2. Nodal Analysis with Voltage Source |
本單元章節可以讓學生學習到節點電壓法 |
6 | Resistive Network Analysis |
1. The Mesh Current Method
2. Mesh Analysis with Current Source
3. Nodal and Mesh Analysis with Controlled Source
4. The Principle of Superposition
5. One-Port Networks and Equivalent Resistance |
本單元章節可以讓學生學習到迴圈電流法及具控制電源之電路分析法 |
7 | Resistive Network Analysis |
1. Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits
2. Determination of Norton or Thevenin Equivalent Resistance
3. Computing the Thevenin Voltage
4. Computing the Norton Current
5. Source Transformation |
本單元章節可以讓學生學習到戴維寧及偌頓等效電路及相關等效電阻、電壓及電流之計算 |
8 | Resistive Network Analysis |
1. Experimental Determination of Thevenin and Norton Equivalents
2. Maximum Power Transfer |
本單元章節可以讓學生學習到如何以實驗方式求得帶維寧及偌頓等效電路與最大功率傳輸 |
9 | 期中考 |
期中考 |
藉由期中考試了解學生之學生效能 |
10 | AC Network Analysis |
1. Energy Storage (Dynamic) Circuit Element
2. The Ideal Capacitor
3. Energy Storage in Capacitors
4. The Ideal Inductor
5. Energy Storage in Inductors
6. Time-Dependent Signal Sources
7. Average and RMS Values |
本單元章節可以讓學生學習到交流電路中的兩個重要儲能元件--電容及電感,以及交流電源 |
11 | AC Network Analysis |
1. Solution of Circuit Containing Dynamic Elements
2. Forced Response of Circuits Excited by Sinusoidal Sources |
本單元章節可以讓學生學習到求解含正弦電源的交流電路 |
12 | AC Network Analysis |
1. Phasors and Impedance
2. Superposition of AC signals
3. Impedance-- The Resistor, Inductor and Capacitor
4. AC Circuit Analysis Methods |
本單元章節可以讓學生學習到如何利用Phasor及 Impedanc分析正弦電源之交流電路 |
13 | AC Network Analysis |
1. AC equivalent Circuits |
本單元章節可以讓學生學習到等效交流電路 |
14 | AC Power |
1. Power in AC Circuits
2. Complex Power
3. Power Factor |
本單元章節可以讓學生學習到交流功率、複功率及功率係數 |
15 | AC Power |
1. Power factor, Revisited
2. Transformers
3. Impedance Reflection and Power Transfer |
本單元章節可以讓學生學習到變壓器及其相關之阻抗映射及功率轉換 |
16 | AC Power |
1. Three-Phase Power
2. Balanced Wye Loads
3. Balanced Delta Loads |
本單元章節可以讓學生學習到三相電路極功率 |
17 | AC Power |
1. Residential Wiring, Grounding and safety
2. Generation and Distribution of AC Power |
本單元章節可以讓學生學習到居家配電、接電與安全性分析以及輸送配電概念 |
18 | 期末考試 |
期末考試 |
藉由期末考試評量學生學習成效 |