課程名稱 (中文) 普通物理(一)
(英文) General Physics
開課單位 物理組
課程代碼 G1111B
授課教師 楊肅銘
學分數 3.0 必/選修 必修 開課年級 大一
5. 熱力學。
教科書 作者 Benson 書名 University Physics (2nd Revised Edition)
出版社 John Wiley & Sons 出版年 2013 (歐亞書局代理)
參考教材 作者 Jewett & Serway 書名 Serway's Principles of Physics 4e (第四版)出版社 Thomson 出版年 2006 (滄海書局代理)
Halliday : Fundamentals of Physics
課程大綱 學生學習目標 單元學習活動 學習成效評量 備註
單元主題 內容綱要
1 Introduction 1. What is Physics?
2. Concepts, Models, and Theories
3. Units
4. Power of Ten and Significant Figures
5. Order of Magnitude
6. Dimensional analysis
7. Reference frames and Coordinate Systems
1. What is Physics?
2. Concepts, Models, and Theories
3. Units
4. Power of Ten and Significant Figures
5. Order of Magnitude
6. Dimensional analysis
7. Reference frames and Coordinate Systems
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    2 Vectors 1. Scalar and Vector
    2. Vector Addition
    3. Components and Unit Vectors
    4. Scalar (Dot) Product
    5. Vector (Cross) product
    1. Scalar and Vector
    2. Vector Addition
    3. Components and Unit Vectors
    4. Scalar (Dot) Product
    5. Vector (Cross) product
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    3 1-Dim Kinematics 1. Particle Kinematics
    2. Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
    3. Instantaneous velocity
    4. Kinematics for Constant Acceleration
    5. Terminal Velocity
    1. Particle Kinematics
    2. Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
    3. Instantaneous velocity
    4. Kinematics for Constant Acceleration
    5. Terminal Velocity
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    4 Inertia and 2-Dim Motion 1. Two Dimensional Motion
    2. Projectile and Uniform Circular Motion
    3. Inertial Reference Frames
    4. Relative Motion
    1. Two Dimensional Motion
    2. Projectile and Uniform Circular Motion
    3. Inertial Reference Frames
    4. Relative Motion
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    5 Particle Dynamics 1. Force, Mass and Weight
    2. Newton's three laws
    3. Friction and Circulation Motion
    4. Application
    1. Force, Mass and Weight
    2. Newton's three laws
    3. Friction and Circulation Motion
    4. Application
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    6 Particle Dynamics 1. Force, Mass and Weight
    2. Newton's three laws
    3. Friction and Circulation Motion
    4. Application
    1. Force, Mass and Weight
    2. Newton's three laws
    3. Friction and Circulation Motion
    4. Application
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    7 Work and Energy 1. Work
    2. Worh-Energy Theorem
    3. Power
    1. Work
    2. Worh-Energy Theorem
    3. Power
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    8 Conservation of Mechanical Energy 1. Potential Energy
    2. Conservative Force
    3. Conservation of Mechanical Energy
    4. Energy Diagram
    1. Potential Energy
    2. Conservative Force
    3. Conservation of Mechanical Energy
    4. Energy Diagram
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    9 Linear Momentum 1. Conservation of Linear Momentum
    2. Impulse
    3. Elastic Collisions
    4. Rocket propulsion
    1. Conservation of Linear Momentum
    2. Impulse
    3. Elastic Collisions
    4. Rocket propulsion
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    10 Particles System 1. Center of Mass
    2. Motion of the Center of Mass
    3. Kinetic Energy of a System of Particles
    4. Work-Energy Theorem for a System of Particles
    1. Center of Mass
    2. Motion of the Center of Mass
    3. Kinetic Energy of a System of Particles
    4. Work-Energy Theorem for a System of Particles
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    11 Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis 1. Rotational kinematics and Kinetic energy
    2. Moments of Inertia
    3. Torque
    4. Rotational Dynamics of a Rigid Body about Fixed Axis
    5. Rotational Work and Power
    1. Rotational kinematics and Kinetic energy
    2. Moments of Inertia
    3. Torque
    4. Rotational Dynamics of a Rigid Body about Fixed Axis
    5. Rotational Work and Power
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    12 Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis 1. Rotational kinematics and Kinetic energy
    2. Moments of Inertia
    3. Torque
    4. Rotational Dynamics of a Rigid Body about Fixed Axis
    5. Rotational Work and Power
    1. Rotational kinematics and Kinetic energy
    2. Moments of Inertia
    3. Torque
    4. Rotational Dynamics of a Rigid Body about Fixed Axis
    5. Rotational Work and Power
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    13 Angular Momentum and Statics 1. Angular Momentum
    2. Rotational Dynamics
    3. Conservation of Angular Momentum
    4. Static Equilibrium
    1. Angular Momentum
    2. Rotational Dynamics
    3. Conservation of Angular Momentum
    4. Static Equilibrium
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    14 Angular Momentum and Statics 1. Angular Momentum
    2. Rotational Dynamics
    3. Conservation of Angular Momentum
    4. Static Equilibrium
    1. Angular Momentum
    2. Rotational Dynamics
    3. Conservation of Angular Momentum
    4. Static Equilibrium
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    15 Oscillation 1. Simple Harmonic Motion
    2. Pendulum
    3. Damped and Forced Oscillations
    1. Simple Harmonic Motion
    2. Pendulum
    3. Damped and Forced Oscillations
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    16 Mechanical Wave 1. The properties of wave
    2. Mechanical wave
    3. wave function
    4. standing wave
    5. wave equation
    1. wave properties
    2. mechanical wave
    3. wave function
    4. standing wave
    5. wave equation
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    17 Sound Wave 1. The properties of sound wave
    2. Dopplee effect
    3. beat
    4. Fourier Theorem
    1. The properties of sound wave
    2. Dopplee effect
    3. beat
    4. Fourier Theorem
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    18 總複習 1. What is Physics?
    2. Concepts, Models, and Theories
    3. Units
    4. Power of Ten and Significant Figures
    5. Order of Magnitude
    6. Dimensional analysis
    7. Reference frames and Coordinate Systems
    1. What is Physics?
    2. Concepts, Models, and Theories
    3. Units
    4. Power of Ten and Significant Figures
    5. Order of Magnitude
    6. Dimensional analysis
    7. Reference frames and Coordinate Systems
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    教材編選: ■ 自編教材   ■ 教科書作者提供
    教學資源: ■ 教材電子檔   ■ 課程網站
    課程網站:http://elearn.ttu.edu.tw/learn/index.php (網路大學)
