教學大綱表 (109學年度 第1學期)
Course Title
(中文) 全球企業管理個案研究
(英文) Case Studies On Global Business Management
Course No.
1.0 必/選修
core required/optional
選修 開課年級
先修科目或先備能力(Course Pre-requisites):English proficiency
課程概述與目標(Course Overview and Goals):(這學期Professor Hauer 將於 09/17-21來台授課; 事前準備會議在09/09(一)開學第一天12:00--13:00,請隨時注意學校學生資訊系統的email通知。)
The course "Case Studies on Global Business Management" is to intensify international academic co-operation and to promote global view of management students, the course is offered in English. Approached from an entrepreneurial perspective, the course provides insight to how international businesses operate effectively in the global economy to achieve success.
教科書(Textbook) None
參考教材(Reference) Cavusgil et al. International Business, The New Realities. 3rd. Ed. Pearson, 2014
課程大綱 Syllabus 學生學習目標
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities

Unit topic
Content summary
1 Course preparation 1. Course introduction
2. Cases introduction and providing students with guiding information
1. Course introduction
2. Cases introduction and providing students with guiding information
2 Lectures 1. Global Business Management
2. Exploring emerging market opportunities
1. Global Business Management
2. Exploring emerging market opportunities
3 Lectures Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective” Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”  
4 Lectures Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective” Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”  
5 Lectures Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 1_SME & Case 2_Kaercher
Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 1_SME & Case 2_Kaercher
6 Lectures Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 1_SME & Case 2_Kaercher
Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 1_SME & Case 2_Kaercher
7 Lectures Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 1_Matsushita & Case 2_Kaercher
Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 1_Matsushita & Case 2_Kaercher
8 Lectures Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 3_Rocket Internet Zalora, Case 4_ EADS Airbus
Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 3_Rocket Internet Zalora, Case 4_ EADS Airbus
9 Lectures Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 3_Rocket Internet Zalora, Case 4_ EADS Airbus
Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 3_Rocket Internet Zalora, Case 4_ EADS Airbus
10 Lectures Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 3_Rocket Internet Zalora, Case 4_ EADS Airbus
Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 3_Rocket Internet Zalora, Case 4_ EADS Airbus
11 Lectures Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 5_ Richemont & Case 6_BenQSiemens
Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 5_ Richemont & Case 6_BenQSiemens
12 Lectures Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 5_ Richemont & Case 6_BenQSiemens
Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 5_ Richemont & Case 6_BenQSiemens
13 Lectures Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 5_ Richemont & Case 6_BenQSiemens
Introduction to “Case Studies on Global Business Management -An European Perspective”
Student presentation for Case 5_ Richemont & Case 6_BenQSiemens
14 marketing activity Marketing activities“Selling hTC in Germany” Marketing activities“Marketing in the global environment”  
15 marketing activity Marketing activities“Promoting Taiwan Tourism in Japan” Marketing activities“Marketing in the global environment”  
16 marketing activity Marketing activities“Selling Giant Bicycles in the US”
"Promoting Taiwan Food in France"
Marketing activities“Marketing in the global environment”  
17 marketing activity Marketing activities“Selling Acer in Saudi Arabia”
"Promoting Tzu-Chi in Nepal"
Marketing activities“Marketing in the global environment”  
18 final exam final exam final exam  

1.自編教材 Handout by Instructor:
□ 1-1.簡報 Slids
□ 1-2.影音教材 Videos
□ 1-3.教具 Teaching Aids
□ 1-4.教科書 Textbook
□ 1-5.其他 Other
□ 2.自編評量工具/量表 Educational Assessment
□ 3.教科書作者提供 Textbook

成績考核 Performance Evaluation: 期末考:20%   期中考:20%   其他評量:20%   問答:10%   報告:20%   平時考:10%  

教學資源(Teaching Resources):
□ 教材電子檔(Soft Copy of the Handout or the Textbook)
□ 課程網站(Website)
課程網站(Website):TTU Cyber University