教學大綱表 (113學年度 第1學期)
Course Title
(中文) 設計基礎
(英文) Fundamental Design
Course No.
2.0 必/選修
core required/optional
必修 開課年級
先修科目或先備能力(Course Pre-requisites):Performance techniques, model making
課程概述與目標(Course Overview and Goals): This introductory design course aims to develop independent thinking, aesthetic sensibility, and creativity. It covers the principles of form and beauty, practicing both 2D and 3D composition, and applies various materials. The course includes exercises in shaping and color to enhance design skills and creative planning.
參考教材(Reference) 1.Wong, W., Principles of form and design, John Wiley & Sons
2.林崇宏, 設計原理, 全華
3.Wallschlaeger, C. & Busic-Snyder, C., 設計基礎 (上)(下), 六合
課程大綱 Syllabus 學生學習目標
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities

Unit topic
Content summary
1 Design thinking Course Description: Fundamental Forming Skills and Elements Course Description: Basic Forming Skills and Elements  
2 principles and structure of rectangular prisms Construction Overview: Principles and structure of rectangular prisms.
Elements and Characteristics: Key components and properties of rectangular prism assemblies.
Materials Demonstration: Working with clay and plaster.
Spatial Interpretation: Understanding rectangular prisms in space.
Construction Overview: Principles and structure of rectangular prisms.
Elements and Characteristics: Key components and properties of rectangular prism assemblies.
Materials Demonstration: Working with clay and plaster.
Spatial Interpretation: Understanding rectangular prisms in space.
3 principles and structure of rectangular prisms Construction Overview: Principles and structure of rectangular prisms.
Elements and Characteristics: Key components and properties of rectangular prism assemblies.
Materials Demonstration: Working with clay and plaster.
Spatial Interpretation: Understanding rectangular prisms in space.
Construction Overview: Principles and structure of rectangular prisms.
Elements and Characteristics: Key components and properties of rectangular prism assemblies.
Materials Demonstration: Working with clay and plaster.
Spatial Interpretation: Understanding rectangular prisms in space.
4 principles and structure of rectangular prisms Construction Overview: Principles and structure of rectangular prisms.
Elements and Characteristics: Key components and properties of rectangular prism assemblies.
Materials Demonstration: Working with clay and plaster.
Spatial Interpretation: Understanding rectangular prisms in space.
Construction Overview: Principles and structure of rectangular prisms.
Elements and Characteristics: Key components and properties of rectangular prism assemblies.
Materials Demonstration: Working with clay and plaster.
Spatial Interpretation: Understanding rectangular prisms in space.
5 principles and structure of rectangular prisms Construction Overview: Principles and structure of rectangular prisms.
Elements and Characteristics: Key components and properties of rectangular prism assemblies.
Materials Demonstration: Working with clay and plaster.
Spatial Interpretation: Understanding rectangular prisms in space.
Construction Overview: Principles and structure of rectangular prisms.
Elements and Characteristics: Key components and properties of rectangular prism assemblies.
Materials Demonstration: Working with clay and plaster.
Spatial Interpretation: Understanding rectangular prisms in space.
6 Module Assembly Definition and Function: Understanding what modules are and their roles.
Design of Modules: Principles and methods for designing modules.
Combination and Expansion: Techniques for assembling and extending modules.
Spatial Cutting: Methods for dividing modules in space.
Definition and Function: Understanding what modules are and their roles.
Design of Modules: Principles and methods for designing modules.
Combination and Expansion: Techniques for assembling and extending modules.
Spatial Cutting: Methods for dividing modules in space.
7 Module Assembly Definition and Function: Understanding what modules are and their roles.
Design of Modules: Principles and methods for designing modules.
Combination and Expansion: Techniques for assembling and extending modules.
Spatial Cutting: Methods for dividing modules in space.
Definition and Function: Understanding what modules are and their roles.
Design of Modules: Principles and methods for designing modules.
Combination and Expansion: Techniques for assembling and extending modules.
Spatial Cutting: Methods for dividing modules in space.
8 Module Assembly Definition and Function: Understanding what modules are and their roles.
Design of Modules: Principles and methods for designing modules.
Combination and Expansion: Techniques for assembling and extending modules.
Spatial Cutting: Methods for dividing modules in space.
Definition and Function: Understanding what modules are and their roles.
Design of Modules: Principles and methods for designing modules.
Combination and Expansion: Techniques for assembling and extending modules.
Spatial Cutting: Methods for dividing modules in space.
9 Module Assembly Definition and Function: Understanding what modules are and their roles.
Design of Modules: Principles and methods for designing modules.
Combination and Expansion: Techniques for assembling and extending modules.
Spatial Cutting: Methods for dividing modules in space.
Definition and Function: Understanding what modules are and their roles.
Design of Modules: Principles and methods for designing modules.
Combination and Expansion: Techniques for assembling and extending modules.
Spatial Cutting: Methods for dividing modules in space.
10 Construction of Curved Forms Characteristics and Application of Curved Surfaces:

Characteristics of Curved Surfaces: Understanding the properties and features of curved surfaces.
Combination of Curved Forms: Techniques for assembling curved shapes.
Materials and Composition of Curved Forms: Working with materials and methods for constructing curved surfaces.
Characteristics and Application of Curved Surfaces:

Characteristics of Curved Surfaces: Understanding the properties and features of curved surfaces.
Combination of Curved Forms: Techniques for assembling curved shapes.
Materials and Composition of Curved Forms: Working with materials and methods for constructing curved surfaces.
11 Construction of Curved Forms Characteristics and Application of Curved Surfaces:

Characteristics of Curved Surfaces: Understanding the properties and features of curved surfaces.
Combination of Curved Forms: Techniques for assembling curved shapes.
Materials and Composition of Curved Forms: Working with materials and methods for constructing curved surfaces.
Characteristics and Application of Curved Surfaces:

Characteristics of Curved Surfaces: Understanding the properties and features of curved surfaces.
Combination of Curved Forms: Techniques for assembling curved shapes.
Materials and Composition of Curved Forms: Working with materials and methods for constructing curved surfaces.
12 Construction of Curved Forms Characteristics and Application of Curved Surfaces:

Characteristics of Curved Surfaces: Understanding the properties and features of curved surfaces.
Combination of Curved Forms: Techniques for assembling curved shapes.
Materials and Composition of Curved Forms: Working with materials and methods for constructing curved surfaces.
Characteristics and Application of Curved Surfaces:

Characteristics of Curved Surfaces: Understanding the properties and features of curved surfaces.
Combination of Curved Forms: Techniques for assembling curved shapes.
Materials and Composition of Curved Forms: Working with materials and methods for constructing curved surfaces.
13 Construction of Curved Forms Characteristics and Application of Curved Surfaces:

Characteristics of Curved Surfaces: Understanding the properties and features of curved surfaces.
Combination of Curved Forms: Techniques for assembling curved shapes.
Materials and Composition of Curved Forms: Working with materials and methods for constructing curved surfaces.
Characteristics and Application of Curved Surfaces:

Characteristics of Curved Surfaces: Understanding the properties and features of curved surfaces.
Combination of Curved Forms: Techniques for assembling curved shapes.
Materials and Composition of Curved Forms: Working with materials and methods for constructing curved surfaces.
14 Definition and Characteristics of Cubes Definition and Characteristics: Basic properties and features of cubes.
Construction and Concept: Principles of constructing cubes and underlying design concepts.
Material Use and Expression: Techniques for using materials to express and build cubes
Definition and Characteristics: Basic properties and features of cubes.
Construction and Concept: Principles of constructing cubes and underlying design concepts.
Material Use and Expression: Techniques for using materials to express and build cubes
15 Definition and Characteristics of Cubes s Definition and Characteristics: Basic properties and features of cubes.
Construction and Concept: Principles of constructing cubes and underlying design concepts.
Material Use and Expression: Techniques for using materials to express and build cubes
s Definition and Characteristics: Basic properties and features of cubes.
Construction and Concept: Principles of constructing cubes and underlying design concepts.
Material Use and Expression: Techniques for using materials to express and build cubes
16 Semester Project Presentation Exhibition Setup: Arranging and organizing the display area.
Work Explanation: Presenting and explaining the projects.
Exhibition Setup: Arranging and organizing the display area.
Work Explanation: Presenting and explaining the projects.

Teaching instructions
1 起:2024-09-16 迄:2025-01-20 3.實作 Practical class Flexible Week Flexible Week Flexible Week

1.自編教材 Handout by Instructor:
□ 1-1.簡報 Slids
□ 1-2.影音教材 Videos
□ 1-3.教具 Teaching Aids
□ 1-4.教科書 Textbook
■ 1-5.其他 Other
□ 2.自編評量工具/量表 Educational Assessment
□ 3.教科書作者提供 Textbook

成績考核 Performance Evaluation: 期末考:30%   期中考:30%   彈性教學:10%   作業:30%  

教學資源(Teaching Resources):
□ 教材電子檔(Soft Copy of the Handout or the Textbook)
□ 課程網站(Website)