教學大綱表 (113學年度 第1學期)
Course Title
(中文) 電機機械概論
(英文) Introduction To Electrical Machinery
Course No.
3.0 必/選修
core required/optional
選修 開課年級
先修科目或先備能力(Course Pre-requisites):電路(一) 50分以上
課程概述與目標(Course Overview and Goals): Introduction of transformer, synchronous machines, and induction machines. This course will let students know the operational priciples of these machines.
教科書(Textbook) Electric Machines
Mulukutls S. Sarma and Mukesh K. Pathak
課程大綱 Syllabus 學生學習目標
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities

Unit topic
Content summary
1 Introduction to Machinery Principles The Magnetic Field, Faraday;s Law, Induced Voltage, and AC circuit. The Magnetic Field, Faraday;s Law, Induced Voltage, and AC circuit.  
2 Introduction to Machinery Principles The Magnetic Field, Faraday;s Law, Induced Voltage, and AC circuit. The Magnetic Field, Faraday;s Law, Induced Voltage, and AC circuit.  
3 Introduction to Machinery Principles The Magnetic Field, Faraday;s Law, Induced Voltage, and AC circuit. The Magnetic Field, Faraday;s Law, Induced Voltage, and AC circuit.  
4 Transformers Construction, Ideal Transformer, Theory of operation, Equvalent Circuit, Per-unit System, Voltage Regulation, Aotu-transformer, Three-pase Transformer, and Instrument Transformers. Construction, Ideal Transformer, Theory of operation, Equvalent Circuit, Per-unit System, Voltage Regulation, Aotu-transformer, Three-pase Transformer, and Instrument Transformers.  
5 Transformers Construction, Ideal Transformer, Theory of operation, Equvalent Circuit, Per-unit System, Voltage Regulation, Aotu-transformer, Three-pase Transformer, and Instrument Transformers. Construction, Ideal Transformer, Theory of operation, Equvalent Circuit, Per-unit System, Voltage Regulation, Aotu-transformer, Three-pase Transformer, and Instrument Transformers.  
6 Transformers Construction, Ideal Transformer, Theory of operation, Equvalent Circuit, Per-unit System, Voltage Regulation, Aotu-transformer, Three-pase Transformer, and Instrument Transformers. Construction, Ideal Transformer, Theory of operation, Equvalent Circuit, Per-unit System, Voltage Regulation, Aotu-transformer, Three-pase Transformer, and Instrument Transformers.  
7 Transformers Construction, Ideal Transformer, Theory of operation, Equvalent Circuit, Per-unit System, Voltage Regulation, Aotu-transformer, Three-pase Transformer, and Instrument Transformers. Construction, Ideal Transformer, Theory of operation, Equvalent Circuit, Per-unit System, Voltage Regulation, Aotu-transformer, Three-pase Transformer, and Instrument Transformers.  
8 AC Machinery Fundamentals The Rotating Magnetic Field, Induced Voltage, Onduced Torque, Power Flow , Loss, Voltage Regulation and Speed Regulation. The Rotating Magnetic Field, Induced Voltage, Onduced Torque, Power Flow , Loss, Voltage Regulation and Speed Regulation.  
9 AC Machinery Fundamentals The Rotating Magnetic Field, Induced Voltage, Onduced Torque, Power Flow , Loss, Voltage Regulation and Speed Regulation. The Rotating Magnetic Field, Induced Voltage, Onduced Torque, Power Flow , Loss, Voltage Regulation and Speed Regulation.  
10 AC Machinery Fundamentals The Rotating Magnetic Field, Induced Voltage, Onduced Torque, Power Flow , Loss, Voltage Regulation and Speed Regulation. The Rotating Magnetic Field, Induced Voltage, Onduced Torque, Power Flow , Loss, Voltage Regulation and Speed Regulation.  
11 Synchronous Generators Construction, Internal Voltage, Equivalent Circuit, Parameters measurement,
and Parallel operation.
Construction, Internal Voltage, Equivalent Circuit, Parameters measurement,
and Parallel operation.
12 Synchronous Generators Construction, Internal Voltage, Equivalent Circuit, Parameters measurement,
and Parallel operation.
Construction, Internal Voltage, Equivalent Circuit, Parameters measurement,
and Parallel operation.
13 Synchronous Generators Construction, Internal Voltage, Equivalent Circuit, Parameters measurement,
and Parallel operation.
Construction, Internal Voltage, Equivalent Circuit, Parameters measurement,
and Parallel operation.
14 Synchronous Motors Basic Principles, operation, and Starting. Basic Principles, operation, and Starting.  
15 Synchronous Motors Basic Principles, operation, and Starting. Basic Principles, operation, and Starting.  
16 Synchronous Motors Basic Principles, operation, and Starting. Basic Principles, operation, and Starting.  
17 Induction Motors Construction, Basic Concepts, Equivalent Circuit, Torque-speed Characteristics, Starting, Speed Control, Model Parameters, and Induction Generators. Construction, Basic Concepts, Equivalent Circuit, Torque-speed Characteristics, Starting, Speed Control, Model Parameters, and Induction Generators.  
18 Induction Motors Construction, Basic Concepts, Equivalent Circuit, Torque-speed Characteristics, Starting, Speed Control, Model Parameters, and Induction Generators. Construction, Basic Concepts, Equivalent Circuit, Torque-speed Characteristics, Starting, Speed Control, Model Parameters, and Induction Generators.  
19 Induction Motors Construction, Basic Concepts, Equivalent Circuit, Torque-speed Characteristics, Starting, Speed Control, Model Parameters, and Induction Generators. Construction, Basic Concepts, Equivalent Circuit, Torque-speed Characteristics, Starting, Speed Control, Model Parameters, and Induction Generators.  

1.自編教材 Handout by Instructor:
■ 1-1.簡報 Slids
■ 1-2.影音教材 Videos
□ 1-3.教具 Teaching Aids
■ 1-4.教科書 Textbook
□ 1-5.其他 Other
□ 2.自編評量工具/量表 Educational Assessment
□ 3.教科書作者提供 Textbook

成績考核 Performance Evaluation: 期末考:30%   期中考:30%   報告:10%   作業:30%  

教學資源(Teaching Resources):
□ 教材電子檔(Soft Copy of the Handout or the Textbook)
□ 課程網站(Website)