教學大綱表 (113學年度 第1學期)
Course Title
(中文) 專題討論
(英文) Seminar
Course No.
侯素君 邱郁菁
1.0 必/選修
core required/optional
必修 開課年級
先修科目或先備能力(Course Pre-requisites):N/A
課程概述與目標(Course Overview and Goals):1. 全一組
2. 研一先講專業期刊論文,研二再講自己碩士論文
3. 評分標準:出席20%,問答20%,報告60%
出席分數 = 90–10n,其中n為缺席次數,曠課以兩倍計算,
遲到減半計算。公假 (出席研討會或連續實驗無法離開)不計,
問答分數 = Min (60+15n,98),其中n為有效問答次數
報告分數 = 兩位老師評分之平均.
4. 時程安排:預備2週,期中期末考2週,邀請演講2週,
5. 報告次序依抽籤決定
教科書(Textbook) Papers from Selected Chemical Engineering Journals
課程大綱 Syllabus 學生學習目標
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities

Unit topic
Content summary
1 invited speaker presentation Inviting a speaker to give a presentation 1. Able to pose questions to expert lectures or classmates' presentations.
2. Capable of summarizing insights from expert lectures.
3. Engages in peer evaluation of classmates' presentations.
2 invited speaker presentation Inviting a speaker to give a presentation 1. Able to pose questions to expert lectures or classmates' presentations.
2. Capable of summarizing insights from expert lectures.
3. Engages in peer evaluation of classmates' presentations.
3 Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations. Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations about their research. 1. Able to ask questions during expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations.
2. Capable of summarizing key points from expert scholars' lectures into a reflective report.
3. Engages in peer evaluation of classmates' presentations.
4 Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations. Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations about their research. 1. Able to ask questions during expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations.
2. Capable of summarizing key points from expert scholars' lectures into a reflective report.
3. Engages in peer evaluation of classmates' presentations.
5 Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations. Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations about their research. 1. Able to ask questions during expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations.
2. Capable of summarizing key points from expert scholars' lectures into a reflective report.
3. Engages in peer evaluation of classmates' presentations.
6 Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations. Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations about their research. 1. Able to ask questions during expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations.
2. Capable of summarizing key points from expert scholars' lectures into a reflective report.
3. Engages in peer evaluation of classmates' presentations.
7 Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations. Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations about their research. 1. Able to ask questions during expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations.
2. Capable of summarizing key points from expert scholars' lectures into a reflective report.
3. Engages in peer evaluation of classmates' presentations.
8 Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations. midterm exam midterm exam  
9 Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations. Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations about their research. 1. Able to ask questions during expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations.
2. Capable of summarizing key points from expert scholars' lectures into a reflective report.
3. Engages in peer evaluation of classmates' presentations.
10 Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations. Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations about their research. 1. Able to ask questions during expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations.
2. Capable of summarizing key points from expert scholars' lectures into a reflective report.
3. Engages in peer evaluation of classmates' presentations.
11 Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations. Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations about their research. 1. Able to ask questions during expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations.
2. Capable of summarizing key points from expert scholars' lectures into a reflective report.
3. Engages in peer evaluation of classmates' presentations.
12 Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations. Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations about their research. 1. Able to ask questions during expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations.
2. Capable of summarizing key points from expert scholars' lectures into a reflective report.
3. Engages in peer evaluation of classmates' presentations.
13 Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations. Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations about their research. 1. Able to ask questions during expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations.
2. Capable of summarizing key points from expert scholars' lectures into a reflective report.
3. Engages in peer evaluation of classmates' presentations.
14 Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations. Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations about their research. 1. Able to ask questions during expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations.
2. Capable of summarizing key points from expert scholars' lectures into a reflective report.
3. Engages in peer evaluation of classmates' presentations.
15 Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations. Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations about their research. 1. Able to ask questions during expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations.
2. Capable of summarizing key points from expert scholars' lectures into a reflective report.
3. Engages in peer evaluation of classmates' presentations.
16 Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations. Expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations about their research. 1. Able to ask questions during expert scholars' lectures or classmates' presentations.
2. Capable of summarizing key points from expert scholars' lectures into a reflective report.
3. Engages in peer evaluation of classmates' presentations.

Teaching instructions
1 起:2024-01-01 迄:2024-01-12 literature study report literature study report Use SciFinder to search for 30 papers and compile the information.

1.自編教材 Handout by Instructor:
□ 1-1.簡報 Slids
□ 1-2.影音教材 Videos
□ 1-3.教具 Teaching Aids
□ 1-4.教科書 Textbook
□ 1-5.其他 Other
□ 2.自編評量工具/量表 Educational Assessment
□ 3.教科書作者提供 Textbook

成績考核 Performance Evaluation: 其他評量:45%   報告:45%   彈性教學:10%  

教學資源(Teaching Resources):
□ 教材電子檔(Soft Copy of the Handout or the Textbook)
□ 課程網站(Website)
課程網站(Website):Web Hard Disc 2, Sharing Name: 2015CGSeminar