教學大綱表 (113學年度 第1學期)
Course Title
(中文) 噪音與振動控制工學
(英文) Noise And Vibration Control Engineering
Course No.
3.0 必/選修
core required/optional
選修 開課年級
先修科目或先備能力(Course Pre-requisites):無
課程概述與目標(Course Overview and Goals):The content of Noise and Vibration Control Engineering includes introduction, basic acoustical property, acoustical & vibration instrument , ear's sound perception, fundamental acoustical theory, noise estimation & calculation, sound absorption system, various noise abatement methods and calculation, room acoustics, acoustical board design, muffler design, plenum design, sound barrier design, vibration abatement, and one-dimensional vibration system. The purpose of this course aims to help student in learning the technology of noise and vibration control which is necessary in industry.
教科書(Textbook) 自編教材
參考教材(Reference) 1.邱銘杰,藍天雄「噪音控制原理與工程設計」, 五南圖書,2014(ISBN:978-957-11-7727-4)。
課程大綱 Syllabus 學生學習目標
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities

Unit topic
Content summary
1 The Nature of Sound 1. Wave Nature of Sound
2. Mathematical Description of Sound Wave
3. Physical Descriptors of Sound
To realize the phenomenon, theory, and calculation of the sound.  
2 Effects of Noise on People 1. Anatomy of the Ear
2. Normal Hearing Response
3. Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
To realize the human being's hearing ability and the influence of noise to ear's hearing health.  
3 Instrumentation for Measurement and Analysis of Noise 1. Terminology and Fundamental Concepts
2. Frequency Analysis
3. Acoustical Instrumentation
To learn the instrument of sound measurement, the professional name, and how to implement.  
4 Wave Equation 1. Other Variables Associated with Plane Acoustic Waves
2. Solutions to the Wave Equation for the Propagation of Plane Waves in Air
3. One-Dimensional Spherical Waves
To realize the derivation of the wave equation and the application. 作業
Homework Assignment  
5 Radiation Fields of a Spherical Sound Source 1. Root Mean Spuare Value of a Parameter
2. Acoustic Intensity
To learn the derivation of wave propagation from a spherical sound source and the related application.  
6 Sound Energy Density 1. Sound Power
2. Levels
3. Additive Effects of Sound Source
To learn the principle of sound energy, the noise calculation, and application. 作業
Homework Assignment  
7 Sound Transmission from One Medium to Another 1. Interaction of a Plane Acoustic Wave with a Normally Reacting Solid
2. The Use of an Impedance Tube to Measure the Sound Power Absorption Coefficient and Specific Acoustic Impedance of a Normally Reacting Solid
To learn various method, principle, application of the sound propagation. 作業
Quiz 1 and Homework Assignment  
8 Midterm Midterm Midterm to verify the student's learning performance. 期中考
9 Sound Transmission through a Solid Barrier Using the Concept of Layered Media 1. Transmission of Plane Waves through a Thin Massive Panel
2. Sound Transmission in a Reverberant Field
3. Transmission Loss through Panels: The Coincidence Effect
To realize the calculation of sound transmission through a solid barrier. 講授
10 Room Acoustics 1. Sound Absorption Coefficients
2. Porous Materials
To learn the principle of Room Acoustics and the related calculation sheet  
11 Absorptive Materials and Structures 1. Mechanisms for Dissipation of Acoustic Energy
2. Properties of Absorptive Structures
3. Mechanical Model of Absorptive Materials
To learn the property and structure of the sound absorbing wool 作業
Homework Assignment  
12 Acoustic Silencers 1. Transmission Loss of Reactive Filters Terminated Without Reflection
2. Right Angle Bend in Tube with Square Cross Section
3. Transmission Loss of Dissipative Filters
To learn the principle, calculation, and application of muffler. 作業
Homework Assignment  
13 Mufflers 1. Lined Plenum Chamber
2. Single Plenum Chamber
To learn various kinds of mufflers  
14 Attenuating Materials and Structures 1. Transmission Loss of Homogeneous Panels
2. Transmission Loss of Barrier Materials
3. Transmission Loss of Door Constructions
To learn the transmission loss of various sound acoustical panel.  
15 Vibration Control 1. Vibration Isolation System with Rigid Foundation
2. Vibration Isolation System with Base Motion
To learn the principle and application of vibration isolation system 作業
Quiz 2 and Homework Assignment.  
16 Final Test Final Test To verify student's learning performance. 期末考
Final Test  
17 Vibration Absorbers(I) 1. Undamped Dynamic Vibration Absorber
2. Damped Dynamic Vibration Absorber
To learn the vibration isolation device with and without damping material 閱讀討論
Flexible teaching week for student's self-learning. Assign chapter to student for self-reading and write down a report.  
18 Vibration Absorbers(II) 1. Undamped Dynamic Vibration Absorber
2. Damped Dynamic Vibration Absorber
To learn the vibration isolation device with and without damping material 閱讀討論
Flexible teaching week for student's self-learning. Assign chapter to student for self-reading and write down a report.  

1.自編教材 Handout by Instructor:
■ 1-1.簡報 Slids
□ 1-2.影音教材 Videos
□ 1-3.教具 Teaching Aids
■ 1-4.教科書 Textbook
□ 1-5.其他 Other
□ 2.自編評量工具/量表 Educational Assessment
□ 3.教科書作者提供 Textbook

成績考核 Performance Evaluation: 期末考:30%   期中考:30%   平時考:20%   作業:20%  

教學資源(Teaching Resources):
□ 教材電子檔(Soft Copy of the Handout or the Textbook)
■ 課程網站(Website)